(36) Vortex to Hell

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Since being back from our weekend trip, things have been a little awkward. I still haven't come to terms with everything yet. We are still together, but everything she said still hasn't sunk in.

"The world as we know it about to change forever and I have to save you and you have to save me!"

What does she mean, what will happen. How exactly will it change? I'm taking time away from her.

'About to change' I really don't understand, and the thing is she won't even elaborate, she says that she isn't allowed, she's under strict rules from Satan. I didn't even know Satan existed.

My head pounds with questions and general pain, Jesus I feel sick. Physically, emotionally and mentally. I'm sitting with my cup of tea staring into blank space waiting on something, anything to happen. Not wanting to deal with the day or events I decide to place my cup of tea down onto the coffee table and head upstairs to my room, taking off my pants I peel back the covers of my bed, getting inside I wrap them around me, like a caterpillar in a cocoon. Hopefully I won't wake up until things become beautiful again, maybe it's a dream. God knows.

Just as I am seconds from drifting into a mellow sleep vibrations slide on against I my floor, reluctantly I dangle myself from the edge of my bed, I fumble around my pants pulling my phone from my pocker, I answer it.

"Jackie, I need to see you." Echo's voice is soft and gentle.

"Can it wait I was just about to go back to sleep?" I reply honestly, it is the first contact we've had since we parted for space.

"Not really, it's kind of urgent. How quick can you get a cab to the coast? This cannot wait!" Her voice shakes, it sends urgent butterflies in my stomach, as if something bad is about to happen.

I may be taken time from her, but that doesn't mean I can just put all my feelings on hold, she clearly needs me.

"I will be there asap!" I reply before hanging up.

Quickly I pull my pants back on, wrapping a jacket around me I rush downstairs. As I call for a cab I grab my purse with money in, cabs to the coast generally are quite expensive. I wish Echo didn't give back that rental car, then I could be at the coast much sooner.

As soon as the cab beeps outside, I lock the door and jolt to the passengers seat "The coast please." He nods stepping on the pedal.

My nerves are at a high, I don't know what to expect. The only sound that fills the cab is the driver whistling along to the radio, I sit in the back staring out of the window. Despite it not being afternoon the sky is a musty grey colour. It looks cold and viscous outside, there seems to be no one around.

"Where is everyone?" I ask the driver.

"Apparently there is a deadly storm heading our way, and you dear are the only person whose silly enough to step outside," He snorts. A storm, how come I haven't heard anything about it?

"How come you are out, shouldn't you be at home with family?" I respond

"Well when you get as old and lonely as me with no one, you have to make a living somehow even if it means risking your life, this storm could be a hoax for all we know, and I don't want to be out of pocket if it is. But by the looks of it, the skies are turning and it is coming and when she does she is going to blow!" He says whilst looking over the wheel, even the roads are clear.

Tragic he is on his own, maybe this storm is a big deal. He pulls up on the road beside the entrance of the coast, I pay him extra and bid him farewell. As I get out he wishes me luck. The air is like ice, I wrap my jacket tighter around me. I walk along the balcony above the coast, no sign of Echo from here.

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