(20) Grieving

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The people rush around me, I stand watching. Waiting. The walls pale like death. Niall is gripping my hand hard. We are waiting for Jay to come out of ICU. Zac wasn't as lucky to survive the crash. 

"Jackie? Niall?" Justin's voice interrupts the wait, he comes to greet us.

I rise from my seat, Connor follows Justin.  They are just as confused as we are. We all exchange hugs, Connor hesitates before hugging me.  The conversations are brief, but the wait for the news is long.

We are approached by a police officer, he informs us that Zac swerved whilst driving and crashed into another car and then bounced off the side of the bridge. Jay is lucky to be alive, the other car they hit had severe injuries. Zac's car almost went over the side, but the emergency services and fire brigade brought the car back on the bridge. We are all in shock, we cannot imagine how their families are feeling.

A doctor comes out and tells us that Jay and Zac's families have asked to be alone, we respect their wishes and decide to go to the pub. None of us feels like getting drunk but we just want to be together.

I sit here, observing everything around me. The three of us sit around the same old wooden table, it doesn't feel the same. We are heartbroken about losing Zac, it doesn't feel real. He was far too young to be ripped from this world. Every fibre in my body hopes for Jay to survive. I look around the pub, our favourite place to be.  

I find myself quietly passing people heading into the toilets to use the fine facilities. We have been sat in silence since got here.  Once I'm done and I'm drying my hands my phone rings.

"Hello?" I finally say.

"Hello, Jackie. It's Jay mother." A woman speaks

"Hey, how are you and how is Jay?" I ask.

"He is alive thankfully, but he's not doing great. The doctor says he won't be able to walk again and that his head was badly damaged, he might not be the same," She sobs into the phone

"I am so sorry to hear, if there is anything I or the boys can do please please let me know. We are sending you and your family love and prayers," 

She sobs again with a muffled thank you before hanging up. My heart feels heavy, the pain she must be going through. I return to the boys and inform them. They're just as heartbroken as me. None of us wants to be here, we decide it's time to call it a day. We all need time to process. I wait outside for my father to pick me up. It doesn't feel real. 

My dad pulls up outside of the pub, before I get into his car  I'm stopped by a little old woman. She stares at me with a concerned expression, she has long grey hair which she wears hung back. She grabs my hand, she is cold and fragile. She is a very small woman. Something catches my eye, its a symbol on her necklace that glows.

"You're being watched, you're being followed, you're being taunted! You are in danger." She shakes. Her wrinkles stress as she shakes continuously.

"Are you okay?" I find myself fumbling, is she drunk?

"Satan, Satan wants your soul! God bless you child you shall not survive!" She taunts as if she's having an out of body experience. Something clicks inside of her and she shrugs letting go of my hand. She walks away as I get into my dad's car.

"What was that all about?" He enquires, I shrug. I bet that lady was talking about Roxy, I ignore the pressing thought of last night's dream. I need to grieve.

"I am sorry about your mates, kid," He finally says as we pull up to the house. I don't reply, I feel numb. I stalk up to my bedroom and lay on my bed. Everything is so fucked. I fall into a slumber.

I wake up a few hours later, I can hear my parents watching television downstairs. I don't want to leave my room, I try and process the days' events. I went for breakfast, I met that girl. I didn't text her. I fumble around for the slip of paper in my pockets. I stop myself from texting her, instead, I scroll through Zac's social media. His page is filled with Rest in Peace messages. He was a good guy, one of the best. A text message appears at the top of my screen:

Hey, I don't think I can stick around. We lost Zac today and we don't know how Jay will recover. My parents are divorcing and I think I will move down south with dad. A new start, hopefully, see you, Jackie. Love Justin.

I don't blame him, I would leave too if I had the willpower.

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