(1) Her

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Walking into the local pub exiting the cold shivery darkness into a warmth lively atmosphere. Minding my own business, something beautiful catches my eyes, I see her.  Everything around me becomes blurry except her. It seems as if time has stopped, the world went quiet and here I am. Looking at her, the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on.

Her long beautiful red hair, it hangs over her shoulders giving a clear view of her delicate face. I have never seen someone as beautiful as her.  Her soft skin pale as snow; flawless and clear. The skin I would give anything to caress and feel against my own tanned complexion. Her menacing brown eyes, hidden wonders and secrets lay within them, she turns looking at me the light shining upon them changing them into a mystic hazel colour.

Her figure was breathtaking, killer curves and perfect in every way. I tried not to stare but I could not take my eyes off her. Her chest is perky, a warmth creeps up my neck as I realise I've been staring for a little too long. She's the type of woman girls will envy and guys would want to sleep with, I'm not either of those. I'm a woman attracted and caught in her lustful trap. I have to get to know her.

Our eyes meet and mischievous grin forms on her perfect plump red lips. Lips alone that make you want, no need her.  There is something twinkling in her eye but I can't make out what it is. She licks her lips hungrily as lust consumes me.

"Jack, come on man," Niall says nudging my shoulder.

We lose eye contact and I come back down to the real world. My eyes lock on her as I follow Niall to the table where Zac, Justin, Connor and Jay are sat waiting for us. The boys welcome us with fist bumps and quiet greetings. I take my seat next to Jay. We are sat at the usual table that we sit on most day.

Zac, his smile so perfect and lingering. The gentlemen, the good guy, prince charming if you may. Every girl in his eyes is a princess, he makes hearts flutter he's had this very effect on me once or twice.   I'm a very close friend to Zac; I'm one of the boys but he treats me like a princess. Yes me Jack, a princess you know the tomboy? Zac has short brown locks and is much tanned like me. He's that casual looking guy that looks good in anything and everything. His bulging muscles are proof of his obsession with working out; luckily he's tall so he doesn't look too bulky.

Justin, the ladies man. He can charm a snake if he tried. Wherever there is a mirror that's where you will find him. He's the guy girls swoon over and crush on, you know the guy that most girls will never have a chance with.  He's, tanned and toned, yes every girl's dream. He loves music; his voice is like heaven he uses this to his advantage. He has luscious long brown hair that flows just above his eyes; everyone is tempted to run their hands through it. 

Connor, he is a player! He is the type of guy to date a girl and not know her name. He is a smooth talker and can get himself out of any situation he finds himself in.  He has toned pale skin but dark green eyes that compliment his almost black hair. He is good at flirting and has the most girlfriends at the same time. I've never seen him with the same girl twice! And I have seen him with lots of girls. I'm surprised he isn't riddled with STDs. He isn't as well nice as the others; he can be very insulting, angry and damn right unfair. 

Jay, he is the big softy. He is a hopeless romantic. He is kind and caring and very soft-hearted. He hasn't got a bad bone in his body! He is just like a big cute cuddly teddy bear. He is an amazing guy but he gets his heart broken quite easily. He is tall and handsome. He has short curly blonde hair that girls love running their hands through. When he's with girls he's protective and caring. He's always someone to turn to. He has the habit of looking at the best side of people, this is great but at times this can deceive him.

Niall, he is the shy shortest guy we're the same height, which makes me quite tall compared to your average girl. He is kind and sweet. He is the type of guy who is perfect to be your guy best friend. He is funny and caring and is a great hugger. He is very trustworthy as well. He is honest and never lies which is surprising because usually, a guy's favourite habit is lying. He has lovely blonde hair and has a genuine sexy smile and he is always happy. He's one of the closest people to me.

As for me, I'm Jackie. Hanging with these guys earned me to be called Jack. I'm very like all of these guys, well apart from being a girl. I like being around them, never a dull day insight. It is good to hang with people who get me, my need to rebellion against my gender.  We have so much in common, playing games, watching football and hooking up with girls. Guys are great, no drama but being one of them there is that annoyance that intends to linger; how they're over-protective over me.

We all get along and have a laugh. I don't get personal with any of them and that's just the way we all like it. Besides even if I wanted to with any of them I couldn't they all made a pact amongst themselves, I don't know much about it but what I do know is that none of them are allowed.  Anyways, if I did get extra close to one of them it would ruin us, it would kill the bond and friendship we all share. I honestly couldn't do that! I love these guys too much. The waiter arrives at our table with our drinks that the boys so kindly ordered before we arrived. I say kindly, they were probably bored waiting for us. I am never on time to anything.

She catches my eye; she is staring right at me. I'm watching her every moment. She takes the cherry from her Martini glass and holds it up to her mouth. She licks it, not taking her eyes off me. I try to look away but she has my whole attention.   She slowly and seductively puts it in her mouth and sucks on it.  Is she purposely trying to turn me on because it is definitely working?

"Jack, what's up with you girl?" Zac chirps pulling me out of her lusting trance. It takes Zac to hold my chin and turn my head in his direction to stop me from looking at her.

"W-what?" I stutter. 

They laugh. I turn back to her, she winks at me and stands up from her seat and heads to the toilets. I turn back to the boys who are all widely grinning at me.

"So who is she?" Connor asks.

"I don't know," I reply trying my best not to make eye contact with any of them.

"Oh really?" Justin teases.

"Yes really," I laugh.

"That look you had in your eyes told us differently," Jay says joining in with the teasing.

They aren't teasing me because I'm a girl and all, they're just teasing because they can, and they know if it was the other way round I would do the same.

"Guy's I'm being serious I don't know her but what I do know is she is hot, and I made eye contact with the moment I stepped into this place," I finally confess.

"Are you sure about that? The look in your eyes said that you've slept with her," Conor teases.

"No the look in my eyes said that I wanted to sleep with her!" I reply giving into them as always.

"Oooooh!" The boys cheer causing me to grin.
Ten minutes pass and my little sweetheart to be -the nickname the boys have given her- hasn't come back from the toilets, I wonder if she slipped out of the bar when I wasn't looking. I should go check, in case anything has happened to her.  I stand up.

"Whoa, where do you think you're going Missy?" Zac says holding me back with his hand on my shoulder.

"To the little girl's room," I joke.

"Oooooh, are you checking up on her?" Connor coos.

"Maybe," I grin.

Zac removes his hand from my shoulder. As I'm sliding past the table Justin pinches my ass. I turn to him; he is grinning at me with his sexy eyes glowing. Laughing at him I head to the toilets.

She is leaning against the wall with one hand on the wall above her head and her other hand is up her little black dress, it hugs her body like a second skin revealing her long pale legs. She is chewing on her lip as her eyes roll back slightly as I walk in. She looks directly at me but carries on with what she is doing. I think she is playing with herself. She looks so damn hot and sexy. My body feels heated and my heads in a daze.

Unsure of how to react I stand and watch her. She bites her lips and beckons me closer.  I move closer to her until we are really close. With her free hand, she places my hand on her waist. Our eyes meet and she grins. I don't know what has gotten into me; I'm not usually this upfront. My hands move up her dress to her laced underwear but she pushes me away. She pulls her fingers from up her dress and steps forward towards me. She puts her fingers in my mouth and I lick her juices all whilst making eye contact.  She pulls away with a huge sexy smile on her face. She heads for the door, my eyes follow her. She turns back and blows me a kiss and leaves me in a daze. I stare at her ass until I can't see her anymore.

I hate to see her go but I love to watch her leave.

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