(13) True Friendship

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I sit completely still. Not knowing what to do, to cry, to answer the door, to fall out of this deadly life that has just begun. Someone barges through my front door I jump to my feet instantly on command. Niall looks at me panting with sorrow in his eyes. Neither of us speaks a single word. We just stand and stare. I feel the tears trail down my cheeks, he darts for me wrapping his arms around my waist I melt into his grasp crying onto his shoulder.

He holds me, I don't know how long for but I don't want him to pull away ever. But he pulls away making me feel cold lost and alone. He puts me to arm's length and wipes my tears away with his soft hands. We both haven't said a single word yet. It's just silence, a comfortable silence.

"I'm so sorry, have you heard anything?" He breaks the silence.

"Not yet," I mutter.

"Are you okay?"

"it's just when I got in here earlier there was an answer on the machine and..." I burst into more tears.

His arms envelop me into his embrace. He strokes my hair and plants soft kisses on top of my head. 

He plays the answering machine and tries to call the number back, no answer. Surely I should get some call, or hear something. I have every bad thought running through my head.  I'm lost in the tears as I feel myself being lifted up by Niall. He takes me upstairs and into the spare room. He lays me on the bed and lays beside me allowing me to cuddle into him.

"Why the spare room?" I murmur trying to control the tears.

"Cause you haven't been with her in here have you?" He replies.

"No, you really don't like her do you?"

"Nope especially not after what has happened to your folks,"

"Wait, what? You think she did that?" I stamper sitting up.

"Yeah, vicious beast? Where is she now? When everything is going wrong?"

It hits me. Coincidence? She wouldn't, surely? My chest tightens and breathing picks up. Everything turns red and my feelings are everywhere. A power rush takes over my motionless body. I am no longer in control of my body functions. An attack. Everything is blurry even Niall.

I scream as it feels a demon is possessing me. Possessing my soul. A veil of darkness takes over and I'm trapped inside a black vortex.

I wake with my head spinning and a horrid feeling laying in the pit of my stomach. A burning sensation tickles the back of my throat and my cheeks feel like they are expanding. I feel my body turn to ice. I sit up shocking Niall and jolt for the bathroom. I don't make it, I'm puking up the contents of my stomach all over the crème carpet, I try to stop but the sour liquid goes on forever.

I can feel Niall's eyes burning into me heating my skin and making me embarrassed but throwing up takes over my thoughts. After what seems like forever I stand straight feeling emptied. The carpet is ruined.

"Oh sh*t!" I murmur.

"You feeling okay?" Niall says warily making sure not to get to close.

"Yeah I'm good I just need a shower!" I groan ignoring the mess on the floor and heading straight to the bathroom.

Switching on the shower I take off my clothes and get in ignoring the fact that it hasn't warmed up yet. The cold rays hit my face taking the edge off my emotions. My body cools and then warms up with the now hot water.

I wash through my hair and body. I just stand with the water pouring out onto me, what a rough time I have been having recently. My skin begins to feel weird so I step out to brush my teeth at the bathroom sink. 

I head into my own bedroom with the towel wrapped around me. I change into joggers and a baggy t-shirt. As I leave my room I find Niall on his hands and knees cleaning the carpet. 

"You don't have to do that," I tell him.

"I know but it is the least I can do!"

He is an absolute sweetheart, I head downstairs and order us some Pizza. I try calling my parents again, Niall reckons they probably missed it because they went camping. I hope so. Once we clean the carpet and have food we chill on the sofa watching TV. We both drift off to sleep, I am glad I am not alone tonight. 

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