(8) Working it Out

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I wake up alone. I look around for Roxy. She has gone, vanished, disappeared. I sit still feeling tingly and hot from last night. Being with her was like magic. She's good at making love. I try and recall everything that occurred yesterday. I came home from Justin's house, bathed and tidied around, watched a bit of TV. Then Roxy came around and we made love. I feel like I have slept too much. 

I feel a bit distorted, a hangover perhaps. I'm not sure how, I hadn't consumed anything. Maybe I am feeling groggy from oversleeping. To try and wake me up I leave my bed and head straight into the bathroom. I slowly take off my clothes and enter the shower, the water trickles down the back of my neck making my spine tingly like crazy.

Something catches my eye in the mirror as I wash. I stare at my odd reflection, I reach out to the mirror to remove two smudges of red dirt off but it doesn't work, I rub and rub until it finally hits me. Terror washes over me and my hands move directly to my neck. There underneath my fingertips are two small oval holes, they are crusted in dry blood. They are fang holes. It takes a couple of seconds for the process to register inside of my head. She had bitten me, why do I not remember this?

I finish up my shower and change quickly dodging any sunlight that peaks through the curtains. I search the house from top to bottom trying to find her but she is definitely gone. Why did she bite me? What did she do? Did she turn me?

I hide in my bedroom, pacing back and forth. What has she done to me? Why? What did I do to deserve this? Am I a vampire or am I overreacting? I look at my reflection, I don't look any different. I jump as my phone rings from the other side of the room. The caller I.D is Jay. I pick up trying to remain calm.

"Hey, you alright, mate?" I speak into my phone.

"Hey Jack, yeah I'm good. Are you alright?" 

"Yeah, just been chilling." I lie.

"Everyone is busy, do you fancy hitting the gym?" He asks, this will take my mind off things.

"Yeah, I'll come! I'll meet you there." I hang up.

This is where we will see if I have turned. I change into my gym gear, leggings with a crop top, and put in my earphones. If I burn then I will know, I have never seen Roxy in daylight so I assume she isn't able to be in it.

I open the front door to test if I'm correct or not. The morning light blinds my eyes at first, my skin feels heated and itchy. I stand on the porch and allow my body to adjust. I stand for five minutes realising that I am fine.

I jog to the gym, a pre-workout. When I arrive Jay is waiting for me, he is wearing joggers and a grey shirt with a black jacket. We don't work out together, we never do. We enter the gym, do our own thing and then leave together. I focused on cardio, switched between the cross-machine, rower and treadmill. An hour and a half later and we are both back outside again. Jay walks me home.

"Are you seeing that girl again?" He mumbled staring at my neck

"Yeah, I suppose I am. She's called Roxy, and she's a..."

"Vampire? I know."

"Is it weird? I like her a lot"

"It's not normal but it can be, just give it time. Just be careful." We stop outside of my house, he hugs me gently before leaving. 

It was nice to just see him and clear my head. I am glad he didn't have a go at me. I unlock my front door, in the grand scheme of things a bite isn't the worst thing in the world. I'd just like to know why I cannot remember. Entering the house I head straight to the kitchen for a glass of water. A strong wind gushes through the house, I turn around to find Roxy standing in the doorway.

Something takes over me and I erupt into tears. Rivers of sorrow flow from my eyes. Anger erupts inside of me like a volcano and I shout at her "You fucking bite me?"

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