(19) The Bridge

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I sit up, frightened and confused. It's getting light outside. 

My brain can't tell reality from a dream. I don't think it was a dream I just had, what if it was a warning? I pull myself out of bed, trying to work out why I recognised the car in my dream.  I decide to have a shower to clear my mind, I will be able to think properly afterwards. The hot rays hit me making me feel relaxed and somewhat better than I was. As I wash myself the contents of the dream playing on my mind washes away, for now. I'm attacked with coldness as I switch off the shower. I dry my hair before throwing it into a messy bun, I wrap a towel around me.

As I head into the passage, an urge hits me to check on Amber and Niall. Perhaps its too early but it won't do any harm to see if they are still asleep. I stand at his door and check on him first, he is fast asleep in the position of a starfish across his bed. I check Amber next,  opening, she lies sweet-faced head buried with sheets. Something hovers over her, Roxy. One second she is there and in the next, she is gone. Feeling spooked I head back to the spare room, it was probably my imagination I tell myself. 

Once I am done getting ready  I  pull out my laptop to do some coursework, at least until Niall wakes up. I need to tell him about my dream. Before I begin my essay research I decided to pull up all my social media, have a browse. Apparently, there was a car crash in the city, no details are released yet. Weird. After half hour of scrolling, I decided to start researching coursework. Hour or so later there is a knock on the door.

"Come in," I call finishes up a paragraph.

"Hey, fancy going for a full English?" Nialls enters the room, what a question. Who can refuse a full English breakfast? I agree, packing my bag and joining him downstairs. Amber is still asleep so we get to go alone.

We decide to get a taxi, we both slide into the back. I look at Niall, it seems we are both dressed quite similar. Both in dark blue jeans and a black polo shirt, she notices too and jokily nudges me in the ribs.

I can't help but feel pleased when the cab driver pulls up in town center. He had to take the long way around due to the incident on the bridge, we tried to get some information about it but he just huffed and said he didn't know anything. I pay him and we quickly get out quickly escaping his awkward presence.

"Are you okay?" I find myself asking Niall as we walk along the silver paved streets.

Buildings glaze as light bounces from one window to another.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What are your thoughts on that girl yesterday?" he says.

"She seemed already, quite pretty," I tell him.

"Yeah, she's something." He grins.

Sweet smell of strong coffee hits my nostrils as we enter the cafe. It is a small establishment with red bricks and beige signs. It doesn't look like much but they do the best breakfast.  A small bell rings, Niall follows me in. Red furniture still where it always has been, beige walls filled with families. Red diamonds dance upon the floor against a white background.

We are welcomed by a young brunette gaping at me as we take our seats. She has caramel brown eyes and high cheekbones that complement nude lips.

"Can I please order two full English breakfasts s please," Niall asks.

"You sure can, what would you and your girlfriend like to drink?" She asks, the word girlfriend sounds sour on her tongue.

"I'm a lesbian and can we both have a coffee please," I respond.

"I will bring them to your table right away," She grins at me and walks away.

"Oooo someone has pulled," Niall ogles at me, I roll my eyes at him.

It's not long until two huge plates are served in front of us with two mugs, breakfast fit for kings. The waitress comes over to pour our coffee not taking her eyes off me. A smile lingers on her lips, our eyes meet. Her eyes lingers to my chest.

"Babe?" Niall coos at me, I laugh kicking him under the table. The waitress nods at me and walks away.

"You're such a dick," I snort, he lets out a loud belly laugh. 

I drink my coffee in between devouring breakfast. This was such a good idea, especially since Niall is crap at cooking. Once I'm done I lean back in my chair, Niall is gazing out of the window.

"Are you sure that chicks gone?" He breaks the silence, it catches me off guard.

"Yeah, I am done with her," I tell him, he nods quite pleased. We sit for a further couple of minutes.

"Hey can we talk?" A voice interrupts us. It is the waitress, I put my cup down giving her my full attention.

"Yeah sure, alone or?"

"Well eh I was em wondering if you were busy tonight?" She asks, her cheeks blush. I can't help but smile. Niall nudges me under the table, I ignore him.

She passes me a thick receipt and says "If you become unbusy, text me,"

 On the back of the receipt is her number: Claire; 084 264 931 xo

I dial the number into my contacts adding it to my phone, maybe if we start off slow? Niall is beaming at me as we leave the cafe. I invite him over to my house but he decides he is going to see that girl. He gets in my taxi. The driver must have been aware of the accident because he heads for the bridge.  Its filled with traffic, not normal traffic no, police cars and ambulances and news reporters. 

The cab manages to get to the scene, I gasp at the familiar surroundings. The black car, the broken barricade. The cab driver is forced to stop as I get out of the car. A policeman stops me, waves filled with red move below. 

I find myself wandering over the car, I know this car. I know this car all too well. Niall rushes towards me and the car, we both know this car. The car is mangled and the front is covered in blood as a body hangs over the bonnet. He must've gone through the front mirror.

"Ma'am? Can you identify these young men?" The ambulance guy asks me, as he aids the second person in the passenger. He is badly beaten up and bleeding.

"Y-y-yes," I sob, I can't take my eyes off him, Niall is being sick. It is Zac and Jay.

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