(35) Princess and The Preacher

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I have a fiance, I am engaged, I never thought I'd see the day.

My heart is beating frantically as I snuggle further into Echo's embrace, it's our last night at Disney Land. The night we got here, Echo proposed to me, despite her beliefs and her not being human she did the most humanly thing a person could ever do, for me. I accepted, how could I not? It is what I've always wanted, and Echo well she is clearly in it for the long run.

Today we met giant Disney characters, and I honestly felt somewhat young again. We took hundreds of pictures. This is the best weekend of my life, we have to come here again in the future as a weekend is really not long enough to enjoy the whole place. Plus this just happens to be my new favourite place, ever!

We got back to the hotel room only half hour ago, and since we decided to have a power-practically-non-stop-day we instantly collapsed onto the bed. There is a ball tonight which hopefully I will be dragging Echo to, it will be the perfect way to end a brilliant weekend. Plus for one night I can pretend that I am a princess.

"Babe we should get ready?" I break the silence between us.

"Why what do you have planned for us?" She whispers into the back of my neck, her warm breathe sends heated tingles down my spine.

"The ball,"

She lifts up looking down at me with one brow raised, she laughs inwardly shaking her head.

"Fine, what time does it start?" Yes I knew she would come with me, I can't exactly go by myself. Every princess needs another princess with her.

"In an hour or so..." I tell her, she sighs before lifting completely off the bed.

"Since we are strapped of time why don't I go run a bath for us both to share?" She purrs wiggling her eyes brows, I nod at her as I laze about the bed.

Today whilst she went to buy food from somewhere on the opposite side of the park I bought a dress, one for the ball of course. It may have costed a lot so tonight I will get my wear out of it. I am pretty excited as I shall be dressing at my favourite Disney Princess, Belle from Beauty and The Beast. It is also only suited as it was the song playing in the background when Echo proposed, how romantic?

After years of me swearing I hate soppy stuff, and that I was the ultimate tomboy here I am, engaged and in Disney Land and going to be dressing like a princess. Tonight shall be perfect, after the ball I plan on making love to Echo, another thrilling night.

Echo hollers from bathroom and I force myself off the bed, undressing myself as I go. My clothes fall to the ground messily, entering the bathroom Echo stands naked grinning at me, we step into the colossal crystal encrusted bath together. We lay side by side, bubbles cover every inch of the water. A rose scent fills the bathroom. Echo just smiles at me, and I smile back. After everything that has happened, we are finally going to be happy together.

Together we soak in the tub, simply enjoying each other's company. Realizing the time I get out to start getting ready. I leave Echo to do as she pleases as I dry myself and head into the bedroom.

"Do you want some body cream on? For soft skin?" She asks coming in after me with a little pink tub in her hands whilst there is a towel wrapped around her body. I nod and she walks over to me, I can't help but stare at her long legs, she is stunning and she always has been. I am one lucky girl.

She sits beside me as she pulls my towel off me, first she rubs the cream into my neck, I shiver as the coldness spreads over, she rubs it all over me. She lingers over my sensitive parts, damn she knows how to tease me in all the right ways. Once she's done she kisses me and then disappears back into the bathroom closing the door behind her. Now is my chance to Princess myself up.

I carefully step into the gold dress tying everything up. Looking into the mirror I smile at my reflection as I tie my hair up to look like a replica of Belle. I then apply light make up and then the gold small heels. Butterflies fly in all directions in my stomach, I have no idea why I am so nervous. Maybe it's because I am dressed girly or maybe it's because my fiance hasn't really seen me in a dress before, never mind a full blown ball gown.

The bathroom door opens and I turn, Echo gasps at me. She looks pretty incredible, she is wearing a black suit with heels, wow she's quite the stud muffin. She looks incredible sexy, her hair all on one shoulder wavy, and she wears a tilted top hat. Damn she can go all out.

"You look beautiful!" She squeals. As she looks up a glitter of gold shimmers above her eye brow, wow glamorous.

"You don't look bad yourself!" I laugh. She looks perfect, I can only imagine what our wedding day would be like this, we scrub up well.

She maneuvers behind me grabbing a large velvet box "You aren't a princess until you have one of these!" she opens the box revealing a gold tiara with a bridge of crystals, I feel like crying tears of joy but they were ruin my makeup. Proudly she places the tiara on top my head, I hug her tightly.

"I love you!" I whisper to her.

We leave the room together hand in hand, and to the ball we go. When we get to the designated area we are welcomed by chauffeurs and very kind waiters. I stop in my tracks as we enter the ball hall, it is stunning. Huge gold diamond Chandeliers hanging from the high arched ceiling, glossy floors with dancers enjoying themselves. All around the hall is long tables filled with food, it feels like I have just stepped into a Disney movie. The walls all decorated delicately, everything has a beautiful purpose.

Echo leads me onto the dance floor for our first dance, it is our song that is playing.

"You really are my princess!" She whispers to me as we begin to slow dance.


After a fun night of drinks and dancing, we enter our hotel room. Giggling we undress and once again collapse onto the bed, the best night ever. Nothing could be more perfect that this entire weekend, and Echo fully enjoyed herself too.

"Jackie can we talk, serious talk because if we are going to be marrying one another and spending the rest of eternity together we need to be honest with one another," my heart stops as she speaks, maybe she didn't enjoy the night as much as I thought she had.

"Sure, is everything alright?"

"Yes, but I haven't been completely honest with you. How we met it wasn't an accident, or anything else that happened really."

I nod for her to carry on, my mouth is sickly dry and my own words would seem foreign to me.

"It all happened for a reason, I made it all happen, every last part of it, I did it for you. But also for someone else..."

"Who?" I croak.

"Satan, I am his preacher and he sent me from hell to come down to earth for you."

"For me, why me?"

"Basically Hell depends on you, it's something written in your past and well it needs you. I need you."

"So all of this was fake just so I could come back to hell with you?" I raise my voice.

"No, at first that those were my intentions but it got a lot deeper than that, I fell for you I wasn't supposed to but I did, a vampire isn't supposed to fall in love but somehow you changed that!" She pleads to me, her voice small and vulnerable, almost like she's human again.

"I don't know, why tell me now?" I ask almost choking on my words, there seems to be too much air in this room.

"Because I have to, the world as we know it about to change forever and I have to save you and you have to save me!"


Thing are going down! It gets better trust me :)

I have two things to mention which I am beyond pleased with, like seriously this is all because of you guys. We hit 50,000 reads, like wow I thought I never see the day, so thank you for reading and be apart of this achievement! Also I don't know if you noticed but She's Just Like Satan, But Sexier was ranking #45 in vampire. WOW. It is the highest any of my stories have got, it may not seem a lot but I am so shocked and pleased! We did it guys, and hopefully together we shall rise higher :)

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