(30) Lost But Never Found

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Staring at the white ceiling all I can feel is annoyance. Not at anything in particular, just at myself. Roxy is downstairs, doing god knows what and I am here laying about thinking about everything.

Claire will kill me. She hasn't been gone twenty four hours and I have cheated on her with Connor and slept with Roxy, and the worst girlfriend of the year award goes to me. Let me rephrase slept with Roxy. I slept on Roxy, she held me and I fell asleep in her arms. Quite frankly I don't deserve Claire, I will only end up hurting her, like I have with everyone else.

"Good morning sleepy head," Roxy enters the room with a towel in her hands, her hair slacked back she's wearing one of my shirts, it's too big for her.

"Hi," I watch her, she comes closer. Perching herself on the bed next to me.

"Is it okay I use your shower and borrow some clothes?" She asks politely.

"You don't even have to ask!" I respond, she smiles leaning closer to me. Bending her head she places a single soft kiss on my lips and quickly rises and leaves.

It was just a friendly kiss nothing more. I don't move an inch I just stay in bed. My phone rings from the bedside cabinet. Picking it up I reluctantly answer it.

"Hi." I speak.

"Hey Jackie, it's Claire durr, I phoned to tell you that I might be staying with my parents longer and that I am having a great time, I forgot how amazing it is up here. I've ran into so many old friends it's great! Anyways I just called to tell you how I was doing and I have to go, ring me later babe bye," She speaks frantically before hanging.

I can't help but feel annoyed, I mean I am okay, I am doing fine but as long as it was about her then that's all that matters. I don't know what has gotting into me but I just don't feel right.

I have a feeling this one of those days where I just need to veg out with netflix. But Roxy is here and I can't exactly tell her to leave, maybe she could chill with me, just as friends nothing more.

Food. For a day like this I need food and lots of it. Not healthy food of course, I need ice cream, chocolate, crisps, milkshakes anything unhealthy and edible, basically. But that means actually having to leave my bed and going to the shop to buy junk food. I suppose if I get ready now and walk quickly I can make it to the cloest supermarket and back in at least an hour. Roxy probably won't mind if I leave her on her own.

This captivating warm blanket, how can I be evil and leave this comfort? If I am quick enough I won't miss the McDonald's breakfast on the way, motivation at its best.

Rumaging through my chest of drawers I pull out a baggy t shirt, underpants and shorts. I sling the clothes onto the bed I undress. Avoiding putting on a bra I pull the shirt over my head and down my body, the hem tickles my ass. Sometimes it's just nice to have free boobs.

Turning my back to the door I throw my hair back into a messy bun; today is definitely my can't be bothered today.

"Now that is a sight I have missed seeing!" I jump at Roxy's sudden appearance.

I turn around blushing, fumbling on my bed looking for my underpants. She laughs at my awkwardness.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you leave the bedroom!" I respond, quickly pulling on my underpants.

"Don't be, it's nothing I haven't seen before!" She grins wiggling her thin styled eye brows.

Her eyes linger on my bare legs, I can feel sudden heat on my cheeks.  They burn a little. I'm kind of glad that my shirt covers my lady parts. She stares at me, hungrily chewing on her lower pink lip. Her green eyes look collosal as her lashes flutter.

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