(12) Cabin Park

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Yesterday I skipped the library and decided to call it a day. I went home and binged Netflix. I have yet to hear from my parents or the boys. I am mooching around the house until I have to leave at 12. My lecture isn't until one.

Today I decided to wear ripped skinny jeans and a band t-shirt, my hair is in a thick plait that hands over my shoulder. I haven't heard from Roxy either, I sent her a goodnight text last night with a cheeky photo. Sent her a good morning message too, but I have heard nothing back yet. 

I make my way to Uni, once I am there I find the boys in the cafe. I grab my coffee before I make my way over to them.  I stand in front ready to greet them, none of the lads' lookups. I take my usual seat. In-between Connor and Justin with Niall directly in front of me. None of them even acknowledge me.

"How is everyone?" I ask sipping at my latte. Silence, not sure how much more I can take of this. I stand up and leave. 

I walk to my lecture alone, not sure what's going on with the boys at the minute. I cannot help but feel lonely. Why does no one want to be around me?  I dawdle to the lecture hall,  hanging my head low and ignoring everything around me. Like I used to do before I met the boys before I came to University before I had so many friends before people understood me and my needs. I was a freak, to them anyways. Is my past catching up with me? Is it covering my good life swooping me back to the past as if to say I don't deserve a good life or good people around me?

I am early so I decided I will sit in the corner at the back, last year I and Justin would fall asleep back here every Monday morning. I can hear Justin and he walks straight past me. He turns around and we make eye contact: I send him a small smile in return I get a nod. I suppose that is something. The lecture drags and I quickly leave and wait for Justin, I manage to grab him before he escapes.

"Talk to me, please!" I beg

"We are just not vibing with that chick you're dating, she'd bad news and we can't see you put yourself through this."

"Not a good enough reason to blank me, is it? What's with Connor and pushing me out?" I want to cry but I hold back my tears.

"It's a long story, I've got to go. I will ring you later, I promise!" He squeezes my hand before disappearing into a crowd. 

I feel crappy, University is the last place I want to be. I skip the rest of the day and make my way home. As soon as I get I hear the house phone beeping.

"You have one new voice mail, press the green button to listen or press the red button to delete." It says in its usual robotic tone.

I click green eager to hear the message, please be my parents. 

"Hey Jackie hun, I have met your dad at the Lakes. We are spending a few more days here, the weather is lovely and we are going camping tonight.  Our cabin was upgraded, we have a hot tub! Your dad is beyond pleased, as you can imagine! I have done an online food shop for you, it will be there between 6-7. Stay safe, sweetie, love you."

I am glad they're okay! I decided to tidy around the house and wait for the shopping. Once it arrives I make myself a Lasagna and sit in front of the TV. The news is on..

"Tonight there has been a savage attack at The Lakes, unknown where it started. Cabins, forests and wildlife have been seriously dangered. No survivors.  " The news reporter announces.

My heart stops as rivers trail from my eyes. A loud heavy fist bangs against my front door. Every part of me freezes. The first person I ring is Niall, I sob to him on the phone not leaving any room for him to talk.

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