(33) One Day At A Time

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Roxy's POV!

"Whoa slow down, you can't just ask me that!" Jackie bursts, I really hoped for a better reaction.

"You love me, I love you, what exactly do you have to loose?" I respond, I'm not dropping this, how can we be together properly when I can't fully be myself. I will always have that fear I will push her too far, hurt her or worse break her. Plus vampire Jackie would be a huge turn on, more than she already is.

"My life for starters, well my human life. I want to live, I still haven't done all the things I want to do as a human." she frowns crossing her arms over her chest, if my heart could beat it would probably sting right now.

"Babe, at least think about it. What harm can it do? Vampire lovers, isn't it just catchy?" this makes her crack a smile, I move closer to her grasping her by her waist. She sighs wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I will think about it, if I do go through with it, then I want to at least do some stuff as human before," she gives in, I knew she would.

"Like a human living bucket list?" I suggest, she nods and I hold her tighter kissing her.

I pull away, and she gasps almost breathless.

"I'm going to go in the shower, I need a little time to myself but you are welcome to join me in ten minutes if you feel like!" She winks at me before pulling away, she blows me a kiss and I watch her ass as she disappears up the stairs.

Waiting I sprawl across the sofa. Something is bothering her, what could it possibly be? She has me and I kind of took everyone out of the picture. She chose to be my girlfriend, and well it is just us. What has she got to be worried about, surely she trusts me.

There is not easy way into persuading Jackie to turn, it's not as easy as everything else. I need to eliminate the things that are holding her back, go through her to do list and soon enough I will have done what I came here to do.

I join Jackie in the shower, she grins as my clothes fall from my body. Stepping into the shower, the electric of our bodies touching strives through me. It's not long I have her legs wrapped around my neck, her back flush against the condensed wall.

"Echo!" She moans my name, swirling my tongue forcefully her tone becomes louder. The hot rays of water from the shower is not needed, the heat between us two is enough. I tease her, until she begs me to make her climax.

Nibbling her, she shakes and pants, the or*asm rips through her, I don't let it stop there. I carry on.

Once knowing she is tired I stop, I slide her down so we are at eye level. She melts onto me, her head resting on my shoulder. I hold her in place whilst she pulls herself together.

"You are the frickin' best! She pants planting a single kiss on my shoulder.

Before she is able to step out of the shower, I pick her up bridal style, she giggles as I carry her naked body through to the bedroom. I lay her onto the bed, and I lay next to her. For a minute or so neither of us speak a word, we just lay together staring into each other's eyes. Jackie really is perfect.

"What's it like to be a vampire, what's the difference from being a human, apart from the obvious like blood and fangs?" she asks, so she has been thinking about it, that's a great start.

"You see things from a whole different perspective, it's very different, your senses become better, yo can do things that humans can't, and there is more or less no fear." I tell her, half honest I shouldn't go into too much detail.

"Are your morals different? Do you remember being human?"

"Of course my morals are different, things that humans live by don't bother me, like marriage it is the most unimportant thing to a vampire, who cares for a ring and a last name anyways?" I snort, she frowns at me.

"What about you being human?" she asks again, she's lucky she has a choice to be turned, I didn't and I hated being a vampire at first but then I guess it grew on me, and now I wouldn't have it any other way.

"It was alright but being human I was vulnerable, frightened and had no control, I was too fussed with things that didn't matter. As a human I was naive like any human is, being a vampire changed me, it made me a whole new better person."

"If you could be human again, would you?" I hate being asked so many questions, even if they are from someone I love.

"Nope, it isn't worth it. I was feeble and now I am one of the strongest creatures on earth, what could be better?" I respond, she nods and sits up. I watch as she dresses herself,  I am somewhat fearful that she will talk herself out of it, she often spends far too much time over-thinking everything.

She said she chose me, not Claire. But what if she's thinking that me asking her to turn is too much so she will go back to Claire, I cannot have that happen. Jackie heads downstairs fully dressed and I follow.

"I want to travel in a human bubble!" Jackie sits down on the couch.

"What is one of them?" human bubble, it sounds dreadful.

"It's a huge bubble, you step inside and you basically get pushed and you travel in a designated area, it's pretty cool, one per person. Do you fancy it? If you don't like confined spaces you can push me around." she says excitedly, sounds daunting. I have to do whatever it takes for her to consider saying yes.

"How do we do this?" I reply smiling at her, she almost jumps right off the sofa.


I watch as she rolls from small hill to another. She looks so happy, it's weird what people consider as fun.  With my very good persuasion skills I managed to get us booked in as soon as possible. She looks in her element, when she becomes a vampire she will soon enough see how stupid it is. 

Once she's done, we hold hands as we walk from the bubble base.

"Thank you so much, that was so frickin' awesome!" she smiles, I pull her closer to we are literally side by side.

We take a taxi back to her house, we have still yet to move into the apartment. Although it is kind of pointless, we probably won't be here long once she's turned. We will properly together elsewhere.

When we are home, I decide to order some takeaway, whilst she chooses some movies. I really enjoy nights like this, they are rare and will be even more so in the future. We have checked one thing off her list, now I have to eliminate a factor, then we can concentrate on more of her list. The sooner the better.

There's a knock on the door, Jackie attends to it right away. I hear muffled conversation of the price and the thank you and the closing of the door. She lays the food on the coffee table in front of us.

"Wait?" I stop her from unpacking the food.

I hold her by her shoulders, I tilt my head back and my fangs appear. My eyes look deep into hers, she shudders under my power, she is soon enough in my trance.

"Jackie you will forget Claire, you have no recollection of her whatsoever. It will be just us two and I love you." I tell her. Only if it was that easy about making her want to be a vampire, but of course that would too easy. I can make her do whatever I want unwilling without her even knowing but the only thing I can't do is make her mind up about turning, that has to be her own choice.

I put my fangs away, and slowly close down the trance. Finally I loose eye contact and watch as she morphs back to normal, she smiles at me unknowingly "I love you Echo," she kisses me before carrying on with the food.


Finally an update and yes I thought I would do another Echo POV just to give you guys a little insight! I enjoyed writing this chapter, working on the next chaper literally just after posting this!

What is going through your mind at this stage in the story?

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