(38) Eternity

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My eyes shoot open, I am faced with darkness again. Only this time I am awake.

Where am I? Calming myself I concentrate on my senses, I hear nothing just pure silence. I see darkness. I smell blood, dried blood.

Vortex, hounds, Satan and hell. I am pretty sure I died, and I am alive now... Checking my body I feel no damage, if anything I am completely healed.

Whatever is beneath me is cold and hard, I put my hands out in front of me only for them to meet with solid stone. Trying to stretch it is nearly impossible, so I am enclosed in some sort of encasement.

I push a little harder, it budges a little. This time giving it more force I push the whole thing off and it falls echoing to the ground, I smile surprised at my own strengths. The room is well light so I can see perfectly well.

I rise to my feet, with no struggle I jump over the encasement. My feet meet cold stone, my feet are bare. Now I am able to see myself I am in fact stark naked, how did this happen?

I need to somewhat investigate. Looking closer at the encasement it is engraved with fine detail, it is some form of a coffin, the fine detail matches the engravement that run down the silvery stone walls. A coffin in a tomb?

There are piles of dust in the corners, literally nothing else but the dust and the stone coffin. Strange...

How did I get here, naked, practically trapped in stone, is this a practical joke?

A coffin signifies death, and a tomb signifies reservation of someone whose important. I am alive, or am I?

My attention is brought to the glow in a square shape on one of the walls, it is moving. In the shadows I take a step back, just in case it is something or someone trying to attack.

The square is pushed further, bright lights sneakily enter the room. And a shadow stands in the centre of the open square.

Silhouette of a woman is all that I am able to see.

"Jackie, it's me and I can explain everything." Roxy speaks, I feel somewhat repulsed by her just being here.

"I don't want to see you." The words fly right out of my mouth.

"I had to do it. I had to be the one to save you." Her voice is small as she steps closer.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Your subconscious knows, you know what I am talking about. You know what now are." She stands brave with her words.

A rage sudden hits me, it takes all control of me. I rush towards her backing her up against the wall, holding her by her throat. I want to rip her a part.

A snarl roars from me. It is foreign to my ears, my lips pushed close to her neck. My gum tingles as little daggers rest on my lower lip... The bitch turned me.

I feel annoyed, angry and ready to rip her to shreds. She now has everything she wanted, and what does this make me? Her little puppet, I think not. Now I see her for what she really is; a vision of beauty with an ugly heart...

She looks helpless and guilt ridden in my grasp. I want to hurt her, and not lightly either.

"This won't solve anything, we can work through this!" She breathes.

"We? What the hell is we?" I snort letting go of her.

"I know you are mad with me but I had and still have your best interest at heart. I did what I thought was best, and I that means keeping you alive with me then so be it. I would gladly do it all again if I had to." She retorts slowly making her way across the tomb towards the light.

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