(26) Taken Away

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"Babe, there's knocking at the door," Claire grumbles next to me, she nudges me waking me up.

I groan forcing myself to sit up, there is no one at my bedroom door, no one is knocking.

Knock Knock

Oh she meant the front door, that makes sense. I wipe the sleep from eyes stretching my bones I get out of bed. Taking a glance to the sleeping lodgers I notice that there is only Amber, I try not to think of the mischief Roxy is probably out doing.

Knock Knock

Someone is being very impatient, once I reach the bottom of the stairs I glance at the clock on the other side of the room. It reads 05:00AM. Who the heck is knocking on my door at this time in the morning? Are they insane, it's far too early to even be functioning properly.

I take one last stretch before opening the door. Yawning as I unlock it. The sun shines through the opening door, the morning is warm and lovely. My eyes meet with the stranger who kindly woke me up from my slumber.

It's a man, a very short man. His long black moustache makes up for his lack of height, his eyes grey in the dark I bet they look black. His head filled with black glossy locks, that flow above his bushed eye brows. His skin is mapped with tiny little wrinkes, they may even be mistaked as little routes to his soul. He wears a chalk grey suit, it's the tartin type. In one hand he holds a brief case, it's made of black leather. What is a guy like this doing at my house?

"Hello there, is the premises Amber is staying at? The same Amber who lost her brother not long ago, the same Amber who is living with Jackie, who isn't technically an adult." His tone uptight and well spoken, I swear he must have a pole up his backside.

"I am Jackie, and who are you? What do you want with Amber?" I try to match the confidence he holds, I stand guard at the door. Amber may be a pain the ass but I promised to look after her and I'm not going back on that.

"We believe that Amber isn't safe here!" He raises his voice.

"And who are 'we' exactly?" This whole time he's been standing here and he hasn't introduced himself, odd.

His other free hand reaches into his suit pocket, oh god I hope he's not going to pull out a gun on me.

"Social Services, I am Richard John, we have concerns about Amber's well being, we've managed to track down proper family, they're distant Aunt Fanny and Uncle Bob, they have agreed to look after Amber," He says showing me a badge.

It has his picture on, he looks a few years younger. Underneath the image says Richard John and above the image in bold says 'Social Services, and on the rest of the rectangle badge has his roles and numbers. I don't know what to do.

"Jackie whose at the door and have you seen Roxy? She has a habbit of dissapearing in the morning," Amber skips down the stairs, oh bother.

Richard slightly pushes his way into my house, he sends me a small smile, I shurg it off. Amber stands switching her eyes from me to Richard.

"Amber, this is Richard, he's a...."

"I'm a social worker, I'm sorry but you have to pack your things, it isn't safe here for you, I will take you to the carehome where your distant Aunt and Uncle will pick you up," He rudely interupts me, he adress her.

"Jackie what is this?" Her voice slightly raised, her eyes wide with panic.

"This is new to me as well kid, everything will be okay, I promise," I try to reassure her, she stands nervously. I haven't seen her like this, not since she found Niall dead.

"What about Roxy? I can't loose her!" She screams at me, tears racing dow her cheeks, each on attempting to hit the floor first.

"I will tell her, you will see her again, Amber you won't loose her," It's hard saying these words but it's the only way she will be calm, and I know how she is feeling, I once felt the same way about the same person.

"Promise me, Jackie promise me!" She stiffles wiping away her tears.

"I promise," I can tell those two words have brough her some hope, god knows how the social services has got involved. She isn't in danger, well not from me anyway.

"Amber it isn't safe for you here, can you plese collect your belongings and come with me?" He says impatiently tapping his foot. He's kind of rude for being a social worker. Amber nods making her way up the staircase.

"Would you like a cuppa while you wait?" I ask trying to be as polite as possible.

He shakes his head, he moves to the door. He grips his briefcase tightly not trying to make eye contact with me. I wait at the bottom of the stairs, I scribble my number onto a post it note ready to hand Amber it in case of an emergency. She comes down flustered , fully clothed with a large suit case packed.

She places her case at the bottom of the stairs, Richard grabs it and heads for the door. I'm going to miss Amber, I hug her handing her the post it note.

"If you need me or anything just call, I'm only a call away!" I whisper to her, she pulls away sending me an awkward smile.

She glances back with one last look before leaving with Richard. I wish it hadn't have to end like this with her being Taken Away.

Roxy's POV!

There she is, Amber. She's crying, I've been watching her all day from a far. I've watched as her so called 'distant family' hadn't turned up, she was threw into this place. Bullied by over care kids, pushed around like a little vunerable rag doll. I've been here since I recieved the voicemail left by Jack, she told me social services came for her, I wonder who tipped them off? I know Jack isn't quite pleased with us, but not even she would not do such a thing.

I could have abonded Amber, after all she's done what I've asked her. She's got me where I wanted to be. She has been a good minion. This could be the chance to cut my losses and finaly take over, but I can't just leave her. She's helped me, and so far I've just used her. This could be the time to return the favour, although I am the reason she is seconds away from taking her own life. If I hadn't of used her brother's death against her, then she would be living calmly with Jack. I needed a way to change things, and she was my way. Rescuing her is the least I can do.

She wanted me to rescue her, she wouldn't have told Jack to get in contact with me overwise, unless she used her finaly seconds of living with Jack to make her contact me, maybe if Amber does take her own life, this could be the perfect gateway. Then again, Amber could come in handy elsewhere. Jack needing never know.

In a flash of lighting, I enter the care home through a gap in the window. It feels like a century since I have been free to feel vampire again, since having Amber around I have had to restrain myself. Light snores from every direction in this building, I need a good feed.

No one is safe. Not when I'm lusting blood, and I have all these unwanted people at my despense. Perfect. Room to room I rip a part every human inside, there blood running through me. Their skins tearing just like a human opening a packet of crisps. I become suddenly full once I am outside of Amber's door. Her cries as she pours out her own blood somewhat disgusts me. Why would anyone in their right mind want to welcome death? I push the door open.

She looks up, her eyes wide and her body becomes weak. She glares at my blood stained clothes before her eye lids become heavy and her body begins to shut down. I kneel over her, biting into my arm withdrawing my own blood I pour it onto her lips and down her throat, it's thin like red silk.

It was white once, only for Jack. A vampire's blood only changes colour once they've met their enternal mate. She won't have me back, my blood will forever be this colour. It disgusts me almost. Amber's eyes shoot open her eyes wide, my blood is racing through her veins like a drug.

Before taking her into a forever darkness I reassure her and whisper in her ear "Once you've awoken you will see, all your problems will be Taken Away...."

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