(7) Not Blood

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My head is stinging and my eyesight is blurred. It feels like the room is spinning rapidly causing me to feel rather dizzy and light-headed. As I trace my finger over my head it stings and causes me to wince in pain. When I take a look at my fingers they are covered in blood, lots of blood.

I can see a blurred figure of Roxy hovering over me.  I sit up instantly.

Her face is covered in blood and her white dress is no longer all white at all. It is drenched in blood.  My eyes flicker from her face to her dress. She reaches out and caresses my face with her fingers and smiles at me, her hazel eyes beam at me. My throat feels dry from words that I am not able to verbalize.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" She says stroking my cheek.

Shivers tingle down my spine.

"I-I," I stutter still not being able to talk.

"Sssh, its okay baby just rest," She says pushing her lips against mine. Before I can react she pulls away.

"I hurt!" I mumble.

"You make no sense, just lie back and relax," She says calmly, I cannot help but wonder if she is thinking about my blood from my head.

 I try to turn over so my back is towards her but I yelp in pure agonizing pain. The fall had done me some damage. I gasp in pain, she looks over me.

"I can help you," She whispers so I can almost just hear her.

I say nothing.

"I can stop all of this pain I can make it all go away," She says leaning over me and whispering down my neck. I am not sure if it is a concussion but she looks sexy. 

"How?" I mumble.

"Do you trust me?" She says putting me on edge.

"E-erm w-well..." I stutter.

"I know I just killed that girl, but it wasn't fair on me. You didn't even let me explain myself before you jumped onto another girl. I want you, Jackie." She exclaims completely surprising me.

My body shudders at the thought of Charlotte being dead, all of this could have been avoided if I wasn't thinking about sex. Will I go to prison? Everything has completely changed and has gone sunny side up. My thoughts are interrupted by shooting pains in my head. I cannot help but cry. My body aches and I don't think I can take any more of this!!

"Sure I trust you, please take this horrendous pain away from me... Please," I whimper.

"Okay, this may be slightly weird but lie back and relax okay? Think of this as love, not blood," She chirps.

I lie back and relax and watch her pierce the skin of her wrist with her dazzling white fangs. They suit her, I had never met a vampire before but there was a rumour they had arrived in England. She is proof, and I bet she is the most beautiful vampire that exists, I am stunned by what trickles out of her wrist. I stare at it insanely. It's not red. 

It's white and somewhat sparkling. She quickly tilts my head back and pours this tainted substance down my neck. It tickles my throat, I cannot detect a taste at first.  Vampire blood is different. Think of it as love, not blood? I guess love is sparkly, on the inside.

A strong taste attacks my throat, it is incredibly sweet but my throat feels enflamed. I cannot hold in cough and begin heaving. This only lasts a couple of seconds and a wave of euphoria hits me.   I feel an enchanted power take over my weak body, my blood rushes fast and my bones ache and feel very light, the room spins as every muscle in my body churns and bounces with light. Every organ in my body starts faster and faster and speeds up. I begin to float and a thin mystic layer of light surrounds my entire body. I have never felt anything like it before.

The feeling leaves as quick as it came.  I am left with no pain,  I feel better than I've ever had! Is this what vampires feel like? I feel energetic and empowered. I feel awake and alive! It's as if I've been in some sort of dream my entire life and I've only just woken up. Any angst or worry towards her is gone, I feel elated. I sit up with wide eyes and gaze over at her, she is so beautiful.  She is smiling and has that hot flirtatious glint in her sexy eyes. I must have her!

I grab her hand pulling her over to me, I press my lips against her as she climbs on top of me. My hands wander all over her body, I have never wanted another person more. Her hands run through my long hair as my tongue tickles hers. Something takes over me I rip off both of our clothes and climb on top of her. I push my body against her as if I was moulding into her. The pace picks up as our breathing gets heavier.

Her legs wrap around my waist as my hands move directly to her sweet tight ass. My body yearns for her. She pushes me back and begins kissing my neck. Rips off my shirt and underwear without a struggle. I am usually the top but I cannot help but enjoy her company. She swishes her tongue over sensitive skin making her way down me making goosebumps erupt all over me. Before she kisses between my thighs she looks up at me with her seductive eyes. She is turning me on majorly.

She puts my legs over her shoulders and starts pleasuring me deeply.  As her tongue explores me my chest begins to heave and my breathing gets deeper.  I can feel sensations building up inside of me making me tingly and ready. My body shakes, my back arches and perspiration pours from my forehead. I am lost in a portal of pleasure. This goes on for hours, she doesn't allow me to reciprocate just to enjoy.

What feels like hours later she pulls away and collapses beside me, I reach over to her and we kiss deeply and embrace. I nibble on her ear making her giggle, her laughter is infectious and I cannot help but smile at her.

"Are you sure you don't want me to give you head?" I kiss her chest.

"Too much of me and you'll be sick." She says looking deep into my eyes, I cannot tell if she is joking or not. 

She kisses me and pulls me into her wrapping her arms around me. Exhaustion takes over me.I pull her closer to me, she lays her head on my chest and we cuddle up together.  As if nothing bad had ever happened tonight at all. 

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