(11) University

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I gasp in horror,

Her lips quirk into a thin smile. Her eyes show amusement and fascination.

"Just kidding," She laughs.

I roll my eyes at her as I begin to calm down. I sit up.

"That's not funny!" I hiss throwing one of my pillows at her.

She catches it and laughs. She looks up at me putting on an innocent face as her big eyes shine at me. I can't help but pursue a smile and cuddle into her. Our arms and legs are entwined together as we both drift off into asleep.

I wake up to sunlight blazing through the curtains, I look to my side. Roxy is still asleep or looks like she is. She grumbles and blocks her eyes from the sunlight with the back of her hand.

"Morning baby," I purr.

"What time is it?"

I grab my cell phone and check the time.

"7:30 AM"

"Oh shit!"

She jumps up and puts her clothes on.

"Why the rush baby?"

"I have to go on a business trip for a week it slipped my mind sorry and you have University!" She says almost running out of my bedroom door.

I get out of bed and follow her. Before she makes her way down the stairs I grab her hand and pull her towards me.

"Bye?" I grin.

She kisses me lightly and escapes my hold.

'Bye baby, enjoy Uni. I will call you whenever don't miss me too much. Have fun with the boys and I love you," And with that, she gone in a breeze. 

Damn that girl, she ceases to amaze. I feel gutted that  University is back again. I was enjoying the Summer off.  I shower and get ready.  I put on my Black skinny jeans, black converse, white skull tank top with a dark grey jacket over.  I straighten my hair and put on a tiny bit of Eyeliner. University isn't a fashion show, they're lucky people even turn up to most lecturers. 

As I pack my backpack for lectures my phone buzzes.  I grab it instantly;


"Jackie! Where the hell have you been?"

"Hey Niall? What's up? Why the worry toned?"

"Where have you been?"

" I was with Jay the other day, I have just been at home"

"Okay, we will see you on the Uni campus." He hangs up, he always gets worked up over Uni and being on time.

Once my bag is packed with notebooks, a pencil case and my water bottle. I check the voicemail of the house phone, the parents aren't back yet. No new messages.  I leave and lock up the house. I put my earphones in as I make my way to the bus stop. My timing is impeccable. Moments of arriving at the bus stop, my bus stops right in front of me; Number 69. I inwardly smile as I get on the bus. I pay my £1.20 fare and sit at the front.

I stare out of the window while listening to music. I watch my surroundings pass before my eyes taking in and out of different streets. Before I know it I'm getting off the bus and walking along the very long street that holds the University campus at the end of it. I smile as I can see the modern big building from a distance. It looks new and shinier than ever.

As I get closer the more packed the streets become, packed with other students. As I pass familiar people smile at me.  Everyone looks different and happier, still reeling from the Summer holidays. As I walk into campus  I see the boys waiting outside the main building, Connor with a coffee in hand looking knackered, Zac is texting and the others are deep in conversation.  I grab my mobile and send them all the same message;

'Boo Bitches! Look behind you!'

I watch their every move. They stop and in sync, they reach for their phones from their back pocket. They sigh deeply in sync as if they were almost robotic looking up at me. I run over-excited to see them.

"Hey, the first day of term," I tease, it earns me a muffled and not much interaction. They're not giving me good vibes at all this morning.

I bid them a quick goodbye as I decided to go to the toilet before my lecture. We are all on different courses, except Justin and I sort of. Where I do Media Studies and Literature he just does Media Studies. With the others, we usually have similar breaks and gaps in our day. I enter the toilets, for once there isn't a queue.  When I'm done I wash my hands and make my way out into the hallway. I'm stopped by a blonde haired girl, she has bright blue eyes that look mean and focused. She is wearing a neat pencil skirt, a white blouse and it holding books to her chest. She is wearing a crucifix on her neck.

"Hi Jackie!" She chirps her tone is sweet and young.

"Erm hi?"

"You remember me right?"

"Not really,"  I admit

"It's me Amber; you know Niall's little sister?"

"Oh yeah, I didn't recognize you there. Wow, you've grown since we last met." I reply awkwardly. This is her first year at University, whereas I am in my second year with Zac and Justin, the other boys are in their final year including her brother Niall.

"It was only a year ago," She giggles.

I have the urge to roll my eyes but I fight it.

"How's Niall?" I say changing the awkward conversation.

"Not so good actually, he is always angry and upset. Actually that's why I came over to talk you, to see if you knew why,"

"I haven't seen him and the boys  properly in a few days actually,"

"Oh well, could you try and help him please?"

"Sure, I will have a word! I've got to get to my first lecture of the day, cannot be late!" I try to escape.

"Okay see you around,"

"See ya!" I say and walk away.

"Wait Jackie?" She calls after me.

I turn to face her.

"She is bad for you! God doesn't approve!" She yells.

I cock my head sideways at her. She quickly disappears. I doubt she's been talking to Niall. I forgot she was a god botherer. I turn away rolling my eyes at her idiocy, making my way to the lecture hall. I feel excited as I see Justin at the back, I try and call for him to save me a seat but he doesn't seem to hear me and allows his media mates to take up all the space. I decide to sit at the front, I pull out my notebook and face forward. This lecture is about Media theory. The lecture is pretty boring, when the hour and a half pass we all practically race to get out of the hall.

I try to pull Justin but he's nowhere to be seen, I don't think he is in my seminar group. I wander off to the correct room and pull up a seat at the back. I barely see the boys as the day passes, a full day of Uni on the first day is brutal. On my lunch I find them in the Costa on Campus, they're still very quiet. I decide to pull up next to Jay, at least I know he is alright with me.

"How's your day been?" I ask him

"Not bad, as good as biology can get," he mumbles.

"Fancy the pub tonight?" I ask everyone.

"We are having a Fifa night at Connors, sorry." Zac finally speaks up.

"Oh, what time?" I ask eagerly to hang out.

"It's just a guys night," Connor says flatly, he stands up and leaves. I don't understand what I have done to receive this attitude.

"Right, anyway I am going to head over to the library. Get ahead on this assignment," I leave quickly.

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