(40) Return

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The ground quakes, Corinthian's body shakes as Satan snaps it in his grasp before dispersing into thin air. I turn to Roxy, her lip quivers as a tear falls down her cheek. Neither of us say a single word, instead, I fall to the ground, hell becomes enveloped with darkness.

My body aches, every inch of me feeling like I've been asleep for a thousand years. Opening my eyes the first thing I see is white, beneath me is softness. Sitting up I smile, my room I'm back. I wonder if it worked or this my imagination.


My phone vibrates on the side cabinet. It's a text from Niall;

Where are you? Get your ass down at the club now!! We can't wait on you forever ;) xo

Grinning I practically jump out of bed, pulling on jeans and shirt. I almost trip down the stairs.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" My dad asks as he stands with his cup of tea. Dad, and my mom is setting out plates at the dinner table, here they are my parents. I smile at them, I've missed them.

"To meet the boys I think, I've missed you guys, I love you both a lot!" I hug them both.

"Are you feeling alright sweetie? Has your 12 hour sleep got to your head or something?" my mothers laughs awkwardly. I shrug at them before leaving, it felt like I had almost forgot who they were, what they looked like. I musn't be out too long I have to rekindle with them.

The air feels soft against my skin, it's almost dark. Stopping in my tracksI check myself. My fangs are currently not showing, but what happens when they do? I will have to be careful, I might be back and things might be normal again but I have to keep my vampire secret.

It isn't long until I've walked to the club, I remember the way, each and every shortcut.

Walking into the local bar. Exiting the cold shivery darkness into a warmth lively atmosphere. Minding my own business, something beautiful catches my eyes, I see her. Only this isn't the first time.  It seems as if time has stopped, the world gone quiet and here I am... again. Looking at her, the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on, or so I once thought.

Her long beautiful red fierce hair, it hangs sexily over her shoulders giving clear view of her delicate face. The face I onced kissed a thousand times at least.

Her soft skin pale as snow; flawless and clear. The skin I would have given anything to caress and feel against my own tanned complexion. That was before I knew her capablitites. Her menacing brown eyes, hidden wonders and secrets lay within them, she turns looking at me the light shinning upon them changing them into hazel. She holds her breathe and I hold mine.

Her hot tight ass, perfect in every way, the type of ass that would fit perfectly in the palms of my hands. It is was drew me in the most.   Her big breasts perky and on show complementing her perfect hour glass figure. Lenient and flawless!  She's the type of woman girls will envy and guys would want to sleep with, I'm not either of those.I refuse to be caught in her lustful trap.

Our eyes meet and a mischievous grin forms on her perfect plump red lips.  There is something twinkling in her eyes.  She licks her lips hungrily at me.. Only I'm stopped, I stop in my tracks. Death, sorrow, Satan and Hell, she is none other than Roxy. I see the boys happily waiting for me as our usual table, it's nice to see them all together! I shake my head at her, and walk on towards the boys without a single thought of her expect for; she's just like satan, but sexier!


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So this was the final chapter, after several years here we are, with the green tick and completed. I'm sad but happy. You guys have been incredible, if you are saddened by this I do have another Vampire book, which is called Modern Vampire, and thank you for reading and coming this far with me, I am so grateful!

 I am not just going to leave you guys hanging, and wondering because I am not that mean! I decided to write alternative endings for the other two choices, it was mainly for my own purposes but I thought I would share them with you. If you wish to read these alternatives they are in my book 'Writing My Heart' they are called SJLSBS - ALT - (39) Hell With A Twist and SJLSBS - ALT - (39) Together We Rule. Or if you scroll down the first comment on here will  have both links in, thank you! :)

She's Just Like Satan, But Sexier!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu