(31) Bite Me Please?

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"Jackie wake up, your phone is ringing!" Roxy shakes me from my slumber of comfort.

Groaning I sit up, Roxy moves away from me; rolling over hogging most of the blanket. We are still on the fort I made yesterday, it was a really good day and night. All we did was watch movies, cuddle and eat food, perfect. It was nice to have a chilled day with no drama whats so ever.

"THE PHONE IS STILL RINGING!" Roxy moans burying herself in one of the many cushions.

Reaching the side, I grab my phone. I answer the call.

"Helloooooo!" I speak first for once.

"Hey babe, how's the search for Zac going?" Claire speaks. What is she talking about?

"Whose Zac and why am I searching for him?" I asked feeling more than confused.

"Your bestfriend, the one whose missing, are you okay Jack?" She asks concerned.

"I don't have a best friend, you've got the wrong person there, but whoever you are talking about hopefully they will be found, I am great are you okay? Are you on drugs because you're acting weird...." I respond, before she can reply my ear is nearly deafened by a buzz and vibration from my phone, great it's dead.

Shrugging my shoulders I put the phone on the cabinet and turn back to Roxy. Who is now sitting upright staring at me weirdly.

"Whats up?" She asks, her voice hushed and slighly croaky.

"Nothing, just Claire. She reckons I have a best friend called Zac whose apprently missing, strange really, do you know a Zac?" I ask her, maybe Roxy has the answer to Claire's strange behaviour.

"Nope not a clue, perhaps she was sleep dialing, it's common these days!" She snorts, it sound like a reasonable explanation.

Agreeing, not bothering to give it another thought I lay back down, Roxy rolls towards me and I wrap my arms around her tightly, she cuddles me. It feels good having her in my arms again. It will feel even better once I've had a couple more hours sleep.


"I will be back in an hour or so babe!" I holler into the house.

The warm air hits me as I close the front door behind me, excitedly I skip down the porch steps. I feel so refreshed after having at three more hours of sleep, although we didn't get up out of our made up bed until two hours ago.

It feels nice having Roxy stay over, it feels different from before. I don't know exactly what has changed but whatever it is, it must have been a good thing. Since Roxy went out yesterday to get the munch I have decided that tonight I am going to cook her a slap up meal, despite being enemies with cooking I am willing to give it my best.

I could walk to the super market or I could get a bus, the walk would do me the world of good but the bus would use up less energy. I think I will opt for walking there and getting the bus back with the shopping.

Crossing a field I feel the squelching mud beneath me, lovely. I am more than glad that I decided to wear boots. The sky is clear, the air is nice, and today I feel like I am on top of the world.


I answer my phone hoping it to be Roxy.

"Hey baby," I speak softly.

"Hi Jackie, how are things going? I miss you so much!" Claire replies, I can't help but frown a little.

"Things are going well, pretty well in fact," I respond not giving it much thought.

"Don't you miss me at all?" Her tone sounds sorrowful and small.

Of course not... "Yeah I miss you loads, when are you back?"

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