(34) Committed?

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This past week has been incredible with Echo, she's been supportive with me going through my human list. If I am honest, the only reason I have this list it to put off being turned. I have had plenty of time to think about it, and it sounds great and all, and maybe it would be nice to be sort of the same as Echo but what is putting in?

I am giving up living to be with her, what is she risking, what is she putting in? Am I the only one doing the work? I suppose that is another reason why I am creating this list as I go on, so see how much is willing to wait.

Me being the nice person I am, I have been taken full advantage of the situation. I have been in the human bubble, I have been to a roller coaster park, we have visited places, eat in fancy restaurants and been to many clubs. I took her to a night club the other night and well she witnessed me fully drunk, she had to carry me home, hold my hair back whilst I was being sick and even put me into my pj's and tucked me into bed, she is a star.

I have no idea what we are doing tonight, or for the weekend for that matter. She told me to pack a suitcase for the weekend and then she left the house to do something, god knows what she has got planned but I am very thrilled.

This past has not just been about me, I did a lot of talking with Echo and well I discovered why she had two names; Roxy and Echo. Roxy is her human name, well was her human name and once she turned her master renamed her as Echo, which she prefers to be called anyways. She doesn't talk about her human self much, she acts like she wishes it never happened and that could erase that part of her life, it's crazy.

I'm starting to wrinkle like a shrimp so I climb out of the bath, wrapping a thick towel around me I head into the bedroom. Also since she asked me to turn, she's done nothing but pleasure me in the bedroom, which of course I really don't mind, I need to repay the favour, the or*asms she's been giving me have been intensely great but I feel like if we keep going at this rate they will run out or something. If being good at head is a perk of being a vampire then I suppose it wouldn't be too bad.

Once finishing drying myself I change into black ripped skinny jeans, a band tee, a flannel and to finish the look off with a pair of Timberland boots, thankfully they make me look taller, which is needed when I am standing beside the very tall Echo. Now I need to pack my suitcase, I do love surprises but I have no idea what I am packing for and what I will need to bring.

Rummaging through my wardrobes and drawers I pack things that could be used all round, for most occasions. Zipping up my case I hear the front door open downstairs, hauling my case after I rush down to greet Echo.

"Hey beautiful!" She purrs as I wrap her up in my embrace, she snuggles into my neck, she is adorable.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"That's for me to know and you to find out! I see you've finished packing then? I have a car waiting outside for us, we need to set off as soon as possible, babe you are going to love it!" She squeezes me tightly, before we let go I kiss her a kiss of appreciation. She definitely is a keeper.

She grabs my suitcase and hers which had packed earlier from the bottom of the stairs, as she loaded them into the boot of the blue ford, I locked up the house. Since the apartment thing I have actually come to a liking of moving out of the house, we will have a place to our own and it shows just how committed she is. Perhaps owning our own place won't be so bad after all.


The engine stops and due to the blindfold all I see is darkness, we have been driving for hours on end. Every four hours we stopped to fill up gas and grab a bite to eat, it wasn't until an hour ago Echo blindfolded me. For the time I could see I looked at every sign possibly, and we definitely in a whole different country.

"Before I let you out and show you where we are, I just have to tell you that, I kind of assumed this would be on your bucket list thing." She speaks to me.

"How did you come to that assumption?" I ask, I really just want to get out of the car and see the place she has taken me.

"Google, apparently this place is on everyone's list, according to Google." I laugh at her response, good ole Google, if that isn't right then who is?

I can hear her opening her side of the car, and closing it again. A warm breeze tickles me as she opens my side. She reaches for my arms and I duck to avoid hitting my head off the car. Once the car is locked and we are a few steps away she stands behind me. The blindfold falls from my eyes.

A huge palace, pink with blue towers, a full ground filled with lights and trees. The night sky makes the place even more magnificent, I feel like a child again, She brought me to Disney Land.

"What do you think?" She asks nervously.

I grin at her, wrapping my arms around her "It's perfect!" I kiss her. She giggles in return. It is completely magical, way better than I thought it would ever be.

With out suitcases we walk along the path, the closer we become the more excited I am. She has really gone out of her way to impress me, damn I love her. We walk hand in hand, she smiles but I have a feeling this place probably doesn't bring her as much joy as it does for me. This place is everyone's dream, I mean I may out of the child range but this is perfect.

"I love you Echo," I announce randomly.

"I love you too Jackie!" She says with such pride, she's my girl and I am hers.

We are welcomed by a tour guide dressed like Prince Charm, he informs that since we arrived quite late that there isn't really much we can do. But there is a complementary room for us where we can have a meal on the balcony, I grasp Echo's hand and she smiles down at me.

Once we are in our room we unpack, the theme of the room is gold. Every inch of it looks rich and magical, being here is just like being in a Disney movie. Echo really pulled this out of the blue, tonight I shall thank her properly, in the only way I know I am good at; pure pleasure.

It's not long until we are sitting underneath the stars around a table with candles feeding us warmth and light. We are both chilled and atmosphere is lovely, apparently the food here is the best part of the experience, well so I've heard.

We are served by waiters, they dine us with silver oval trays and platters, they fill every inch of our table, food and wine. They wish a good night before they disappear again. I reach into the room to play some music, and the song from Beauty and The Beast plays,my heart flutters at every second.

"Jackie I brought you here for two reasons, mainly because I love you, and you deserve nothing but the best!" Echo speaks deeply.

"I love you more than anything!" I tell her, I can feel myself tearing up.

"I am not good at this whole human thing,if anything I am terrible but I understand that human life is a sacrifice for you, and I've noticed it seems like you are the only person putting something in, and well even though I've never believed in it before, I shall too make a commitment!"

She reaches for something out of her pocket, and she gets down on one knee "Jackie, the love of my life, will you marry me?"


So, this was a cute short chapter? Sorry if you are finding it currently boring but that will change I promise, I shall blow your mind in the next chapter, shizz is about to go down!

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