(27) The Parents'

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We wait, hand in hand. It's a windy day; Claire is cuddled to my side. I would feel the cold too if I wasn't so nervous, I'm meeting her parents. What will they think of me? What will they think of us? I've never really got to the 'Meeting Parents' stage, I've always just slept with a girl and that's about it, well a part from Roxy but that was different, does she even have parents? I wonder if they're vampires too...

"Babe there they are!" Claire nudges me from my thoughts.

I smile as they wave towards us, Claire squeezes my hand as I wave with the other. Oh here it comes, smile be pleasant, first impressions are important. The closer they come the more clearly I see them. My nerves building as the couple face us.

"Hello darling," A tall stick thin woman wraps her arms around Claire.

The man, I'm guessing is her dad puts out his hand for me to shake.

"Hello Sir, it's nice to finally meet Claire's parents!" I chirp as cheerful as I can, he shares the same small eyes as his daughter; he is tall like his wife.

"I'm Jonathon Claire's father and this is Claire's mother; Linda!" His tone is southern and funny. He has blonde hair, oddly unlike Claire's natural hair, her mother has really dark brown hair, if it wasn't as light as it is you would mistaken it for black.

"Hello dear," Her mother gently shakes my hand.

Thankfully since last seeing Zac he's kept in contact, he now drives oddly enough. He waits for us; it's kind of awkward between the four of us deciding where to sit. Before setting off I put all their suitcases and bags in the boot of the car,  I am sat in the front of the car next to Zac whilst Claire is sitting with her parents in the back.

"Who's this lovely gentleman?" Claire's mother purrs, I try not laugh at her slightly flirtatious personality, her husband rolls his eyes.

 "I am Zac, I'm Jackie's best mate," He introduces himself, Linda looks slightly displeased.

 In the back Claire says something to her mother, they talk hushed. I feel nervous and the atmosphere is slightly awkward, I turn the radio on. It makes me feel somewhat at ease. In the window I can see her parents, really see them. Linda is wearing a thick fur coat, whilst her father is wearing a t-shirt; he looks younger than she does. He looks only double Claire's age, not really a wrinkle in sight. Well the same could be said about her mother, but then again it does look like she has had Botox, not that I am against it or anything. I think her mother is at least twelve years older than her father.

Am I under dressed? I look at myself.  Black jeans, converse, white vest and a black hooded jacket. I was going to wear something smarter but Claire told me to be myself, if I was myself my old self her parents would run a mile and take their daughter with them.

Zac nudges me; I look up he smiles at me. I'm glad he doesn't hate me, now Roxy has gone I hope he will stay. It feels nice to depend on people again without being afraid that they will die or be killed.

It has been a week since Amber was taken away, Roxy rang me the day after telling me that everything has been taken care of and that I should worry about Amber no more. Which I suppose is fair enough, until I was watching TV with Claire the other day. It just happens that the night of Amber's arrival in the care home there was a huge massacre of dead bodies, not one could be identified due to tearage and unable to get any sort of identification from them, so I have no idea if Amber is safe or not. There is only one creature I know that would do such a thing and it goes by the name of Echo, also known as Roxy.

I've been worrying and Claire has been angry with me about it, she says she doesn't know why I'm acting odd about it, it wasn't as if Amber was my responsibility, and how it wasn't my fault, and how would of I know this would have happened etc. But she was, she was my only responsibility.

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