(37) The Hero

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My heart pounds and my head feels hazy, what have I done?

I have given up everything, why wasn't I told that it would destroy my world, it is not fair, it cannot be true, I refuse to believe it. Surely if I can go through the vortex again I can go back, I need to save my world. I love Roxy but she isn't worth this, giving up my whole world, everything I've ever known for a woman, that is not who I am. Why didnt' she tell me this before I entered the vortex, why did she have to act so secretive and sly!

Satan and Roxy discuss something between them, I have to leave. By the looks of things they seem to have forgotten that I am here, this could easily be used to my advantage. Whatever happens I can't just give up here and now, I have to at least try and do something.

When they aren't looking I do the one thing I can only do, I turn around, I slowly walk, there voices become lower and with fear I begin to run. My breathing automatically becomes heavy, every inch of my body tingles.

My legs feel heavy, but I push myself on-wards. Without giving it much thought I run through the flamed door, it burns but I can't stop. My skin aches but I don't let it stop me, I shall and I will save my world whatever it may or may not take.

I will find the vortex, I will go back. My world cannot be destroyed, they must have made a mistake. Snarls appear behind me, sweat pours from me, I want to cry but I can't. My legs burn as I run, I can hear them behind me, chasing after me. These must be the hounds of hell from earlier, oh man. I wish I took part more in the athletics in school, it would have really helped right now.

Scared I hide behind a sidewall and wait for them to run past, I can't help but feel slightly relieved as they do, now I have to get to vortex. Before I let myself be shown I look on sight, not a thing. I begin to run again once I hear Echo yelling for me, the lava walls begins to run. I jolt to the fountain.

My legs give way and I crash to the ground, and a familiar snarl makes it way to me. I scream as it pierces my leg, my body winces. With my free leg I try to kick it away, looking at the beast it is all muscle and bone, huge eyes scars everything and huge teeth. I scream in pain as another latches onto my leg, I attempt kicking it away I succeed with one. With my arms I try to drag myself away, pain and blood gushes from me, I am almost at the vortex. The beast still attached to me, I cry as I feel myself slowly dying, I am almost here.

Another dog pounces on me, only this time it is on my chest, I try to fight it away with my arms, it teeth sharp and attacks me. Darkness envelopes me...


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