(28) Threatened

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Her tongue traces over my jaw line, her hands firmly on my ass. Everything inside of me begs for her touch. She pushes against me almost making me mould into the wooden head board behind us. Kissing her neck I stroke her beautiful open thighs. She moans in delight, her hand slowly creeping up my body. I kiss her chest causing her to giggle.

"Oh Jackie," She murmurs in my ear. Holding her by her hair I pull her to my lips, I kiss her roughly. Her tongue enters my mouth, swirling against mine. I want her tongue doing this elsewhere on my body.

She pulls away panting slightly. She kisses my breast, my heart raises fast. I want her to kiss every inch of me. She nibbles softly.

I scream as she bites, her teeth piercing my skin. She looks up, but only this time it isn't Claire.

"You missed me bitch?" Roxy purrs. Every part of me sweats, fear creeping up on me rendering me powerless.

"JACKIE WAKE UP!" I'm pulled from my nightmare, I sit up panting.  Thankfully  the person waking me up is Claire. She looks at me and furrows her brow. She is sitting beside me.

Reaching out I grab her pull her close to me, holding her and stroking her hair. I don't know what I'd do without this girl.

"What's got into you?" Claire smiles; pulling away from me.

"I just... you mean a lot to me," I admit, I can feel my cheeks heating up, am I blushing?

"That's touching really, but you still gotta get your ass outta bed and shower as I have to go to work and you have to take my parents to the airport!" She cheers jumping off the bed, she grins before leaving the room.

The parents are leaving today, and then hopefully I won't have to see them for a long time. That's definitely inspiration to get my ass out of bed. Opening the bedroom door, I peek my head around the corner. Claire's parents cannot know that we stayed in the same bed last night, they might flip. Feeling like a female version of James Bond I slide around the corner, crouching in case they suddenly appear out of nowhere.

"Jack what are you doing?" A voice points out, I turn around letting out a sigh of relief, it's only Claire. She laughs at me, I shrug in response. She slips by me; I head in the bathroom to avoid anymore awkwardness.

I'm guessing that her parents are already awake and downstairs, being early risers and all. I hope Claire has warned them that I am in the shower, the last thing I need is one of them walking in while I am showering, and now that would definitely make things awkward.

Before even beginning to undress I will wait at least five minutes, just in case someone does decide to walk in on me, at least then I will be fully clothed.

Turning the shower on with one hand whilst pulling my vest off with the other I undress. Stepping into the shower feels relaxing; it cools my thoughts but heats my body. The heat feels great. I've been avoiding trying to process my dream well nightmare. I guess sometimes these thoughts need to be thought about... in the shower.

What I don't understand is why heavenly s*x with Claire turned into scary freakiness with Roxy. Just when things are going fine, something has to come along. I can't really blame anyone though; it was probably my subconscious talking.

The door creaks, and I stand frozen, oh no.

"I'm in here!" I squeal grabbing the shower curtain, I wrap it around myself despite its transparency.

"I know!" Claire steps inside, she grins at me, oh.

I pull away the curtain feeling more than relieved that it's Claire. She grins closing the door behind her, I watch her. I can't tear my eyes from her as she slowly takes her clothes off, she enters the shower too standing in front of me in the nude.

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