Chapter 6

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At King's Cross Station on September 1st, Harry Potter made his way onto platforms 9 and 10, confused and unsure where to go as his train ticket asked him to go to platform 9 and 3/4.

But it wasn't until he overheard a redhead family walking nearby, along with a brunette girl, did he figure it out.

"Ready for this Ronny?" the girl asked a shorter boy on her right, on her left being a taller boy that looked around her age.

"I think so," the boy responded.

"Alright, Percy. You first," their mother announced as she stood with Ginny, waiting for the now group of five that would be attending Hogwarts to go through the barrier onto the platform first.

Harry stood behind the family a little bit, watching as the boy called Percy walked briskly into the wall between platforms 9 and 10 only to disappear rather than hit the brick structure.

"Fred, you next," the elder woman waved to the two boys who stood on either side of the brunette girl.

"He's not Fred! I am!" exclaimed one of them.

"Honestly woman, and you call yourself our mother," the other replied, the girl only smirking and rolling her eyes as if she knew something that no one else did.

"Sorry George," the woman sighed as one of the twins readied to push their trolley through the barrier.

"I'm only joking, I am Fred," the boy said with a smirk before he ran through the wall, followed by the brunette and the other twin boy who let out shouts of excitement as they vanished.

Harry had a feeling that those three probably got into a lot of trouble.

And he had no idea how right he was as the trio handed off their belongings to get stowed onto the Hogwarts Express.

"This is going to be the year boys," Leona grinned as she handed off her trunk and they began to walk towards the train door.

"The year for what?" Fred asked and Leona jumped onto his back, the boy catching her easily.

"The year we win both the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup. And finally get those hair changing Drooballs into Professor Snape's dinner."

"Lena, I like the way you think," George praised with a smile.

"Here, here," Fred agreed. "Oh, do you want to see what I got from Ronny boy after I traded him a dud spell to turn his mental rat yellow?"

Leona and George shared a glance.

"Lead the way!"

And the trio laughed as they collapsed into a compartment. 

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