Chapter 91

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The reeds rustled, Leona blocking her face with her hands as the wind whipped in her ears, her legs carrying her as fast as they could until she forced herself to a stop.

She couldn't even see Bellatrix anymore.

But she could hear the sound of spells being fired and blocked and then over the tops of the weeds she could spy Ginny, Harry, Arthur, Remus and Tonks all standing in a circle as they flourished their wands.

And then she spied who was firing the spells.

And she tackled Bellatrix to the ground.

The deranged woman screamed before Leona broke her nose with her fist, blood pouring down the pale woman's face.

"You will die!" Leona spat as her hands glowed green, but before she could cast the spell and hit Bellatrix with her hands, the death eater vanished in a cloud of black smoke, forcing a now stunned Leona off her and to the ground as she heaved.

"Lena!" Remus said worriedly as he ran to her side and helped her up and then came the heat and the light.

Leona turned to watch in horror, tears in her eyes as she watched the burrow, her home, burn, the death eaters' trails of black smoke disappearing into the dark sky.

"NO!" she exclaimed before she Disapparated.

She landed next to Ron before she tried to run for the house, Fred's arms wrapping around her as he held her back.

"No! My father's letters are in there! They're all I have left! NO!" she cried as she fought Fred's grip, the others only arriving back on foot in that moment.

"Lena! Lena, hey! Rosalee!" Fred called as they both fell to their knees, his hands on her face as he forced her to look at him. "The letters aren't here. They're at the shop remember? They're in the safe. You put them there. You wanted them to be closer to you."

Her chest heaved deeply as she began to calm, and they could do nothing as they watched their home go up in flames.

"Your home. It's all gone," she gaped in disbelief, voice soft, thin, and Fred could only squeeze her tighter as George dropped down to their side, Leona squeezed his hand.

"Our home," he whispered before they fell into silence, the crackling of the flames the only audible sound for miles.

The silence seemed to eat them alive, the fire doing nothing to dry the tears on their faces.

They sat.

They stood.

They sat and stood like that until the fire had long burned out, no one able to move.

They sat and stood like that until the burrow was nothing but burned wood and ash.

"Grimmauld Place," Leona spoke up, breaking the silence and all of them turned to her. "I -uh, I'll pay for the rebuilding. You can all stay at Grimmauld Place. No one will find you there."

No one answered her.

They all simply went back to staring at the ruined house. 

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