Chapter 60

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(A/N: Order of the Phoenix. Let's go. Hope you enjoy. XxD)


Summer passed all too quickly, the few months Leona spent with her father not seeming long enough, but she'd never been happier in her life.

Sirius, Fred and George got on a lot better than Leona imagined, or would ever want them to. Because the number of pranks they played on her over the summer was ridiculous. He'd even offered up suggestions on how they could improve various products for their store.

They were even considering fashioning a product after the Marauder.

Sirius, however, couldn't have been prouder of his daughter when her N.E.W.T results came.

All Outstanding's and Exceeds Expectations.

The letter detailing her results was stuck up on the fridge in the kitchen, a muggle tradition that Sirius had observed over the last year.

The fridge was also covered with some of the photos that Leona had sent him.

Some of her surfing her broom, her in her Yule Ball gown, her with Moony, even one with her and the twins.

The twins also had very good results. They had an Acceptable in Potions but were more or less the same as Leona's.

How they all managed to pull an O in History of Magic where no one paid attention was beyond them all.

Another amazing thing that happened was when Leona passed her Apparition test, her father having helped her study and train for it.

The twins passed too.

So now not only were they allowed to use magic outside of school, but they could teleport too, and it drove Molly nuts.

Harry had also given the twins his Triwizard winnings for their store and they were blown away by the amount of money it was.

And with Leona helping handle negotiations and filing permits and applications, they were well on their way to owning a store in Diagon alley, a big one too.

She was even more excited when Remus came to stay, all the members of the Order arriving for a meeting, one that Dumbledore was unable to attend.

Leona was surprised to learn what she did about Professor Snape, who was even less happy to be in the same room with both Black's.

He had been a spy in the last war, pretending to be loyal to the Dark Lord while secretly feeding information to the Order. And now, he had resumed that role.

Had had already managed to convince the Dark Lord that he was still on his side, that he'd managed to fool one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world that he had turned.

She had to admire him for his bravery in the task.

But Snape wasn't happy to learn that Leona had been inducted into the Order, Remus as well, both agreeing that she was too young to do so.

Molly and Arthur were mostly against it but were respecting Leona's wishes once she'd told them her reasoning.

The hardest part about being in the Order however was not being able to tell the twins anything, because she told them everything. And Molly and Arthur had forbidden them from joining, despite them being 17.

Tonight, however, was the night Harry arrived.

A dementor had been sent after him, forcing him to use a Patronus charm to save himself and his ungrateful cousin. So, a team had been dispatched to retrieve him and bring him here.

They all had their suspicions about the attack.

Dementors only answered to the Minister for Magic.

Which stood to reason that Fudge, or someone close to him, wanted Harry to use magic so that he'd be expelled from Hogwarts and forced away from Dumbledore.

Dumbledore, who had managed to suspend Harry's expulsion pending a formal hearing the next day.

This was part of the reason why Leona had been hidden away with Sirius all summer so they wouldn't be able to pull anything like that on her before she turned 17.

But as the team had gone to get Harry, Leona sat with the Weasley's, Snape, Remus and her father in the dining room as they discussed their next move.

And they were struggling to come to a conclusion.

"We need to act now," Sirius said.

"And do what, exactly?" Snape drawled as he stood, an unimpressed look on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"We need to find it and destroy it so he can't get his hands on it," Sirius continued.

"We don't even know where it is," Arthur said.

"We can find out," Sirius persisted.

"I think you're being a bit rash Sirius," Remus said.

"You try being couped up in the same place for over a year. You'd want to act too!"

"Dad!" Leona exclaimed, trying to get him to calm down. "I agree we need to act but we need to consider all our options before deciding what to do or else everyone is at risk."

"At least your offspring has a brain," Snape remarked and Leona squeezed her father's hand under the table, a silent message to leave it alone.

The two did not like each other at all.

Sirius had mentioned how he and his friends had tormented Snape in school and had called it having fun or pulling a prank. Sure, Leona was guilty of that, but she never had a specific continuous target, nor did or even ever thought of doing some of the things her father had done to Snape.

Leona had once suggested that her father apologise to Snape, but he'd shot it down before she even finished her sentence.

So, she'd apologised on her father's behalf to the cold Professor.

He'd been taken aback by the action, surprising Leona and himself when he accepted it and gently reminded her that it was not her responsibility to fix her father's mistakes.

"We need to take action, especially since Fudge denying Voldemort's return only gives him more time to gather his forces," Sirius continued as they watched Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Nymphadora Tonks, Professor McGonagall and a couple others that Leona didn't know the name of walk into the room.

"He's a paranoid recluse, whatever you plan will have to be perfect in strategy and execution," Snape pointed out.

"Exactly! With his instincts, you'll never be able to-"

"Keep your voices down! He's right outside!" Molly interrupted her husband as Harry walked closer and closer to the room, but her father continued talking.

"He's getting stronger and stronger by the minute! We have to act now!"

And then his eyes landed on Harry, who smiled at the sight of Remus, Sirius and Leona, the latter giving him a small wave before Molly stepped outside and closed the door behind her, cutting off his view.

Harry was then directed upstairs, past a house-elf and into a room where someone ran at him.

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