Chapter 31

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To make things even better, it had snowed last night, and it was snowing still when the trio readied themselves for their trip.

But before they left, Harry was still barred from coming as his permission slip still wasn't signed, Leona couldn't help but ball some snow in her hand and threw it at the back of Fred's head.

The boy had slowly turned on her as she gave him a mischievous smile.

"Oh, you're going to get it now!" he said as he picked up more snow, Leona squeaking before darting off, hiding behind a pillar in the courtyard as she balled more snow and this time hit George who was duelling his brother and aiming another for Fred straight after.

The twins only glanced at each other before looking back at Leona who ran as they ran for her.

"Let me go!" she laughed as Fred held her torso, pressing her arms to her chest, George holding her feet.

"Never!" the twins chorused, making her laugh even more before dropping her in the cold snow, her back soaked.

"Ohhh you're evil!" she said to the twins as she shivered before Fred then helped her to her feet.

"If we were truly evil, would I then do this?" George asked before pulling out his wand and magically drying her off and placing a heating charm on her, Fred wrapping his scarf around her neck.

It smelled like him. Like wood smoke and vanilla.

"Wow, that feels better," she exclaimed as she rubbed her arms before looking at her boyfriend and best friend. "And if you were truly evil, you'd leave me here to build a snowman all by myself."

The twins scoffed.

"Like you're building a snowman without us," Fred said before getting down on his knees and beginning to pack snow into a giant ball, George and Leona dropping to his side.


"Now that is a handsome snowman," George admired as he watched Leona place a hat on the snowman's head.

"I have to agree with you there Georgie," Fred said before something caught Leona's eye.

"Guys," was all she said before nodding to the ground where footprints were forming in the snow, but no one could be seen making them.

And they smiled devilishly as they lurched forward, the twins grabbing the invisible person by their arms.

"Guys! Let me go! I'm going to Hogsmeade!" Harry complained as the twins dragged him away, out of the courtyard.

"Clever Harry," George said.

"But not clever enough," Fred said.

"Besides, we have a better way," Leona added with a smirk.

"I'm trying to get to Hogsmeade," Harry struggled.

"We know," the trio chorused as they entered the castle again.

"And we'll show you a quicker way," Leona said.

"If you pipe down," the twins said in sync as they dragged Harry into a semi-hidden stairwell. "Now Harry, come and join the big boys," they said in unison as the cloak was ripped from him.

"What are you doing?!" he asked before being shushed by the twins who were checking if the coast is clear before shoving a piece of parchment into Harry's hands.

"What's this rubbish?" Harry asked and Leona scoffed.

"What's this rubbish he says," she mocked, as she leaned her arm on Fred's shoulder, the taller boy leaning against the wall meaning his shoulder was at a lower height.

"That there is the secret to our success," Fred said.

"It's a wrench giving it to you, believe me," George said, which it was, but they'd manage. They already knew where all the passages were, and Leona was working on duplicating the map.

"But we've decided that your needs are greater than ours," Fred grinned.

"Lena, if you would," George invited as the girl pulled out her wand.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," she said as she tapped her wand on the parchment as the ink became visible.

"Messrs, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the Marauder's Map," Harry read.

"We owe them so much," George added, Fred nodding as Leona only smirked.

"Hang on. This is Hogwarts," Harry said as he opened up the map. "And that... Is that really-"

"Dumbledore," Fred said.

"In his study," George continued.

"Pacing," Fred finished.

"He tends to do that a lot," Leona piped up.

"So, you mean this map shows -"

"Everyone," Leona finished for Harry.


"Everyone," George confirmed.

"Where they are," Fred said.

"What they're doing."

"Every minute."

"Of every day," George finished.

"Brilliant! Where'd you get it?" Harry exclaimed.

"Nicked it from Filch's office of course. In our first year," Leona boasted.

"Now listen, there are seven secret passageways out of the castle," George explained. "We recommend..."

"This one," they chorused as the twins pointed it out.

"The one-eyed witch passage will lead you straight into the cellar of Honeydukes," Leona informed.

"But you best hurry. Filch is coming this way," Fred pointed out.

"Oh, and Harry, don't forget, when you're done, just give it a tap and say..."

"Mischief managed," the trio sang as Leona tapped her wand on the parchment, demonstrating what George was saying.

"Otherwise, anyone can read it," the twins finished as the ink drawings vanished.

"Now we have places to be, don't we boys?" Leona pointed out, her arms linked with theirs.

They only smirked before turning around to face Leona, bending down to pick the girl up and toss her over their shoulders, each twin holding a leg as she let out a squeal.

"Bye Harry!" she waved and off to Hogsmeade they went.

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