Chapter 85

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"You've lost old man," Harry said in a demonic voice that was not his own, eyes slitted like those of a snake as he writhed on the ground, his worst memories playing over and over in his head.

"Harry," Leona called as she knelt next to him. "Harry," she cooed as she held his head to her lap, as Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville and Luna came running out, George and Remus on their tail. "Remember all the things that make you, you. Remember the good things. The things that make you different. Fight back."

And that was all it took to reverse what Voldemort had done.

His sister's words brought back all the good memories. Of her, of his friends, of Sirius, of riding a broom, of his parents smiling faces in the Mirror of Erised.

"You're the weak one," Harry said as he squeezed Leona's hand, body still contorting in her lap but less so as everyone else watched on. "And you'll never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you."

And Harry screamed once more before his body flinched, rolling out of Leona's lap as Voldemort's spirit was ejected from it.

Everything seemed frozen as Voldemort looked down on Harry's body, a white wand gripped in his hand, sand suspended in the air.

"You're a fool, Harry Potter, and you will lose everything," Voldemort snarled before the fireplaces lit up.

And Voldemort stood, like a deer caught in headlights, as the Minister and many of his other associates, Percy Weasley included, gaped at the sight of him before he vanished.

"He's back," Fudge gasped in fear and then the room started to shake as the reality of losing her father hit Leona, and grief began to swallow her whole.

"Fred get her out of here!" Remus said with urgency, as Leona merely sat still, eyes trained on Harry's limp body, Harry's body that looked somewhat dead as she sat on the cold, sandy ground.

"And take her where?!" he asked as people began to lose their footing.

"Anywhere! Anywhere without people for a hundred miles!"

And the shaking ceased as Fred wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, his wand in hand as they Disapparated.


Sand sank into their shoes.

But not the thin, grainy beads that had made up the glass in the Ministry, these were coarse, angry red grains of sand that littered the Sahara Desert as Fred held Leona in his arms, throwing up a shield around them as she let out a scream.

A sound that could never be more broken, more full of despair, more raging with grief, and more painted in sadness.

And as the sand exploded all around them, sending out a sandstorm like no other in every direction, Leona wailed in Fred's arms, silent tears sliding down his face as he cradled her head to his chest, shirt soaked with her tears.

"He's gone," she sobbed as her fist weakly hit Fred's chest, her body drained both magically and emotionally. "He's gone, Freddy. He's really gone," she cried, voice breaking as Fred's heart fractured for her.

His cheek rested on her head as he held her as tightly as possible to her chest, wanting nothing more than to be able to take her pain. She'd suffered more than enough in her lifetime.

"I know. I know Rosalee, I know."

And all he could do was hold her.

All he could do was hold her as she cried.

All he could do was hold her as she cried, and he prayed that they would all be okay.

He didn't know if she'd be able to handle losing anyone else. 

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