Chapter 125

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While some of the death eaters managed to get into the Great Hall, Draco was right next to his cousin as they fought the thick of them in the courtyard.

Draco was a good ally to have.

As a former death eater, he knew how most of them fought, where their weak spots would be.

And these were the people who were truly on Voldemort's sides, the ones who didn't flee when given the chance.

Though they stunned and disabled most of them as Azkaban posed a worse fate than death, the few that they did have to kill, they killed for Remus.

For Tonks.

For Moody.

For Sirius.

For Odette.

And James.

And Lily.

And the Longbottoms.

For every one that lost their lives to Voldemort and this war.

But when Rosalee saw Arthur go flying into a stone pillar... It was the last straw.

"GET DOWN!" Draco yelled as he, the twins, Kingsley and Bill and Fleur hit the floor and fire exploded from Rosalee as she let out a scream of frustration.

Some were burned to a crisp, others merely had burned skin as the flames ate the black of their robes. Others were sent soaring into the stone structures that surrounded the courtyard. And very few had also heeded Draco's warning, but rather than hitting the floor, they Disapparated.

Barely in time.

And when the heat died down, Rosalee was left panting, surrounded by nothing other than the destruction she caused and something inside her wanted to break.

She wasn't even 20 years of age and yet she'd just killed more people than she could count.

She shouldn't have had to do that.

And it was like it all came crashing down at once.

And it picked the best fucking time to do that.

"GET INSIDE!" Kingsley then yelled as Voldemort and Harry came crashing to the ground in a cloud of black smoke.

Rosalee's head turned slightly to watch everyone scamper inside, Draco surprising people as he helped Arthur to his feet and then helped him inside as the older wizard was still sore from the hit he took.

"Rosalee!" Fred exclaimed as he rushed over to her, already aware of her state. Having known her since he could talk, he could follow almost every little thought that raced through her head just by the expression on her face. "Rosalee, just a little bit longer. Just a little bit longer and then you can break. You are so strong Rose, so strong, but we need to go. We need to go now!"

He didn't realise what he'd said, didn't even notice as he began to pull her inside the remains of the great hall as an explosion of red and green power erupted behind them as Harry and Voldemort clashed.

It seemed so unbelievably natural, as if he'd been saying it all his life.

But Rosalee noticed.

She heard him use the name that only ever her father called her.

She heard him say Rose.

And even as he held her close to his chest as he blocked an offensive spell and pushed her down with him as they ducked another, all she could think about was that sound.

If anyone else had said it, they'd be on the opposite end of the nastiest jinx she could think up.

Everyone knew not to say it; knew her reasons and her thoughts as to why.

But when Fred said it... It was like a spark of hope had ignited in her chest.

In her heart.

And she was only jarred from her thoughts and ripped back to reality by the voice of the death eater that Fred was currently duelling as he said, "Avada Kedavra!"

She didn't think twice.

Rosalee pushed Fred out of the way as she clapped her hands together and screamed, "Immobulous!"

And a blue and white light burst out from the contact of her hands.

But in her panic, Rosalee's overflow of emotions caused her magic to act up and freeze everything inside the Great Hall, rather than just the death eater and the spell that she'd been aiming for.

She quickly moved out of the way of the green ball of light that was slowly coming towards her before blinking and watching as her will sent it blasting into the stone wall.

"Freddy!" she said worriedly as she moved over to where the redhead was frozen with a worried look on his face that was kind of funny as his eyes bulged out of his skull.

The second her hands were on him though, the spell on him was broken.

"Freddy! Freddy! Fred! You're ok! You're ok," she soothed as he'd flailed around, his hands gripping onto the arms that Rosalee held to his biceps.

And when his eyes landed on her and his brain finally realised that he was no longer in danger and neither was she, he pulled her into the biggest hug in the world, his large arms wrapping around her small body.

"Me being ok? You just jumped in front of a killing curse. Don't ever scare me like that again."

Rosalee couldn't help but chuckle as she squeezed her eyes shut, feeling the moisture of Fred's tears on her neck.

"Well, you actually were hit by a killing curse, so we're even."

For a few seconds more they stayed like that before Fred felt Rosalee go limp in his arms for a moment.

"Are you alright?" he asked, voice coated in concern as he pulled away slowly, helping hold her up.

"It's just the spell. It's a lot bigger than what I've done before, I can't hold it much longer."

"Then don't," Fred said simply as he pulled them both to their feet. "And the second this is over, I'm putting a ring on that finger of yours."

Her eyes widened.

"You already have a ring?"

A sheepish smile spread on his face.

"Remus may or may not have given me your mother's engagement ring."

Rosalee's face was a picture of adoration and love as she moved to kiss him but was hit with another wave of exhaustion as people began to move in slow motion, slightly faster than what they had before.

"There'll be time to kiss me and repeat what happened in the Charms classroom later. Drop the spell now before you pass out," Fred urged as he held her shoulders and Rosalee just gave him a look of absolute determination.

"Let's win this war, Freddy."

And she dropped her spell.

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