Chapter 100

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(A/N: Thanks for 1000 votes. That's Leona's dress up top. Hope you guys enjoy. XxD)


Fred's heart kind of stopped when he saw Leona walk down the aisle before Fleur.

She wore this gorgeous pleated purple dress with off the shoulder straps, her brown hair in styled waves down her back as silver earrings dangled from her ears.

What warmed Fred's heart the most was the fact that her locket was still tied around her neck. It had been so long; sometimes he was surprised when he saw that she kept it on for all these years.

And the second Leona began to walk down the aisle, she sent Fred a wink before standing beside Fleur along with Ginny and Fleur's sister Gabrielle.

And now as night fell and even more Auror's surrounded the tent and the burrow, Leona stood at Fred's side as they smiled, clapping with the music as the couple had their first dance as husband and wife.

"Might I have the honour?" asked a familiar voice and Leona smiled as her godfather held out his hand, asking her for a dance.

"The honour is all mine," Leona said with a curtsey, pecking Fred's cheek before the bride and groom moved off the dance floor and softer, slower music began to play.

"Are you alright uncle Remus? You seem troubled. More so than usual," Leona observed as she noted the look in his eyes.

"My dear, if what I'm about to ask you is in any way too much for you or too uncomfortable, then by all means say no. But, seeing as I'm to become a father, it has been all I could think about."

"Uncle Remus, you're scaring me a little. Can you just ask what you need to ask please?" she asked as they swayed.

"Lena, would you do my child the honour of being their godmother?"

Leona was taken aback in the best way possible.

And she stopped dancing to pull her uncle into a hug.

"Uncle Remus, I would be honoured! More than honoured!" she exclaimed as he broke into a smile.

"Good. I'm glad they'll have someone as caring and protective as you to look after them, should I not be able to."

"And have you decided who the godfather is?" she asked as they began dancing again.

"Surprisingly Tonks has decided that she wants it to be Harry."

"I think that's a good choice. The two children of your best friends."

Remus gave her a nostalgic smile, but he didn't get a chance to respond before Fred arrived.

But Fred also didn't get a chance to speak as a voice said first, "Might I cut in?"

And Leona broke into an even bigger smile.

"Viktor. How lovely to see you," she said as she hugged him.

"It's good to see you as well, Leona, Fred," he said, high voice still heavily accented as he shook Fred's hand.

"Uh, Uncle Remus, this is Viktor Krum. He competed against Harry in the Triwizard Tournament. Viktor this is my godfather, Remus Lupin. Former Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor."

"Pleasure," Viktor greeted as the men shook hands.

"Likewise," Remus smiled before glancing at the kids. "Now if you'll excuse me, I think it's time I took my wife for a dance."

And he pressed a kiss to Leona's temple before walking off to find Tonks.

"How've you been mate?" Fred asked as he wrapped an arm around Leona's waist, it having been a little while since their last letter to the Seeker. They'd all been a bit busy in recent times.

"As well as can be in these times," Viktor replied. "Leona, on behalf of my captain, I do hope you'll consider playing for Bulgaria once this is all over?"

Leona gave him a bashful smile.

"I am flattered and grateful for your offer Viktor, but playing for Bulgaria would mean leaving my home country and the people I love," she said as she glanced up and Fred who glanced down at her. "And after all this, I don't think I'd be ready to do that. Plus, I've already received offers from some amazing English teams. I hope you understand."

Viktor's smile was kind.

"Of course. It will be an honour to play against you. Just, know that the offer is still there should you change your mind."

The group then engaged in conversation, the couple telling Viktor all about their business, and Viktor stories about Durmstrang and Quidditch. At least that was before the light came.

An orb of white light, like that of a Patronus, flew into the centre of the tent, but rather than take the shape of an animal, it took the shape of memories as Kingsley's voice spoke out in grave warning.

"The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming. They are coming. They are coming."

And the light vanished as people began to panic slightly as they fled, the Weasley's and Auror's ushering everyone out.

And then came the death eaters.

Plumes of black smoke filled the tent as they zoomed through, guests ducking to avoid them.

And Leona thrust her hand upwards, the white light of a stunning spell flying from it as one of the death eaters crashed to the ground.

"Go! Get them out. We'll meet at my house," she said urgently as she threw off her heeled shoes, unable to run properly in them, but before she could, Fred grabbed her arm as he kissed her.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too. Now go!"

And the tent was set alight.

"Ginny!" she heard Harry call, the girl holding her own against not one but two death eaters.

"Harry!" Leona screamed as she stopped him. "GO! You have to find the Horcruxes! GO!"

And she shoved him into Hermione and Ron who promptly Disapparated.

She then turned to block a stunning spell and fire one back.

"GET CLEAR!" she ordered Remus and Ginny, along with any of the Aurors inside, Remus grabbing the redhead before disapparating.


And the tent exploded with Leona inside. 

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