Chapter 73

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"So that's it for this lesson, and you guys have all made such great progress," Leona praised as she and Harry addressed the group.

"Now we're not going to be meeting again until after the holidays, so just keep practicing on your own as best you can. And well done, great job everyone," Harry finished as people clapped. Cho was then standing at the mirror that had Cedric's picture on it.

Hermione just gave her friend a knowing look as she told him to meet them in the common room later, and Ron followed her out.

Leona and Harry then said goodbye and Merry Christmas to everyone as they grabbed their things and left, Leona spying the twins as they tried to talk to Harry but he brushed them off to go and talk to Cho.

"Pay no mind to it boys," Leona said as she came up between them, both her arms around their waists. "He just wants to have a moment with his girlfriend," she smirked as she looked back over to where they were talking and then to the ceiling above them as she thought about what she needed.

And a sprig of Mistletoe began to bloom above the couple as the trio walked out.

"Hey, I want to do that with you!" Fred complained to his girlfriend.

"Oh please, Freddykins, you'll be all over her come Christmas. Although, I don't know how much with Padfoot there," George chuckled as they headed back to the common room, laughing as they had their arms around each other.

But the good times ended when Harry woke up from a nightmare and was positive that Arthur Weasley had been attacked by Voldemort.

Leona wanted nothing more than to run as fast as she could to Hogsmeade so she could Apparate straight to him, but Dumbledore refused to let her leave the castle without an armed escort. Things would take a turn for the worst if Voldemort or a death eater got their hands on her. With her power, the was no telling what Voldemort could accomplish.

All the Weasley's had been roused, Leona being hugged by Fred as she squeezed Ginny's hand and prayed that their father would be ok.

Harry on the other hand had been taken by Snape down to the dungeons. Snape was to teach Harry Occlumency, to protect his mind from Voldemort. These nightmares were visions, they were visions shown to him by the Dark Lord. And if he could do that, he could read Harry's thoughts and memories, gain information.

And that was bad on a lot of levels. So, Professor Snape was to teach Harry how to block him out.

One could only imagine how that was going. 

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