Chapter 17

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"Um, mummy have you seen my jumper?" Ginny Weasley asked as she ran downstairs, still in her pj's and dressing gown.

"Yes dear, it was on the cat," their mother answered before Ginny's eyes widened as they landed on Harry.

"Hello," he smiled, and Ginny ran back upstairs, the twins glancing at each other and laughing before Leona smacked their shoulders, as Ron explained to Harry who Ginny was.

The youngest Weasley had indeed been talking about Harry a fair bit this summer, since finding out that the boy she wished good luck at the platform at King's Cross was none other than the Harry Potter. She'd had a bit of a crush on him.

"Morning Weasley's and Lena," Arthur greeted as he walked through the back door, finally home from work.

"Morning dad," everyone chorused.

"Morning Arthur," Lena and Molly said.

"What a night! Nine raids. Nine!" the man exclaimed as he took off his hat and cloak and set down his briefcase and kissed his wife before sitting next to Harry and George at the head of the table, Ron explaining where Arthur worked to the newcomer.

"And who are you?" he asked Harry as Molly fried more eggs on the stove.

"Oh, sorry sir. I'm Harry, Sir. Harry Potter," Harry introduced himself and Arthur had a look of wonder on his face.

"Good lord! Are you really? Well, Ron's told us all about you, of course. When did he get here?" Arthur asked as he tucked into the eggs that had been dished onto his plate.

"This morning," Molly said pointedly and they all knew what was about to happen as Leona swiped a piece of bacon of Fred's plate. "Lena and your sons, flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night."

"Did you really? How'd it go?" Arthur asked, and smiles broke out on their faces as they all began to tell their father how amazing their journey was before they were all silenced as Molly smacked her husband's shoulder in reprimand. "I mean that was very wrong indeed boys, very wrong of you," he corrected as their gazes returned to their plates, the trio sharing a smirk that mirrored the ones that Harry and Ron gave each other. "Now, Harry, you must know all about muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?"

Harry looked a little surprised at the question as he stuttered for an answer before he was saved by the sounds of an owl screeching.

"Oh, that'll be Errol with the post," Molly said as they all looked to the window where the owl was flying towards them.

But rather than flying through the open window, Errol flew into the closed glass window as everyone grimaced.

"Oh, fetch it will you Percy, please," Molly asked as the eldest Weasley son in the house stood and collected the envelops from the owl's mouth as it perched on the open windowsill.

"Oh look, it's our Hogwarts letters. And they've sent us Harry's as well," Percy revealed as he handed them out.

"Dumbledore must know you're here Harry. Doesn't miss a trick that man," Arthur admired.

"This lot won't come cheap mum. The spell books alone are very expensive," Fred said as he read the list of books they needed for their fourth year.

"I can help cover ours," Leona offered, but Molly only gave her a kind smile.

"It's ok Lena, we'll manage," she said, politely declining the offer. Despite Leona constantly offering to put the Black family fortune to good use, the Weasley's didn't want charity. But Leona was a Black, and as such, she was unbelievably stubborn. So there were a few bills and expenses here and there that mysteriously paid themselves. 

"There's only one place that we're going to get all of this," Molly said as she looked over George's letter. "Diagon Alley."

With breakfast down, the family changed their clothes and put their robes on as they gathered around the chimney, Molly picking up the pot of grey powder.

"Here we are, Harry. You go first dear," Molly said.

"But Harry's never travelled by Floo Powder before mum," Ron pointed out.

"Floo Powder?" Harry asked, confused.

"Oh, well you go first Ron, so that Harry can see how it's done," she urged as Ron took a handful of the powder and stepped into the fireplace.

The family then back away as Ron said loudly, "Diagon Alley!" and dropped the powder before disappearing in a burst of green flames, Ginny's eyes scrunching shut from the brightness of it as Harry looked on in horror.

"See, it's quite easy Harry. Don't be afraid, come on," Molly urged as Arthur helped push the boy towards the fireplace.

"Just remember to speak clearly," Leona advised as Harry stood in the fireplace and took a handful of Floo powder from the pot.

"Right, you are Lena. Harry, speak very, very clearly," the redhead woman repeated as she backed away.

But with his nerves, Harry's tongue mangled the words Diagon Alley, the Weasley's slightly worried as to where he landed after he disappeared in a flash of green fire.

And then it was Lena's turn.

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