Chapter 25

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Things had gone downhill so fast.

Three muggle-borns had already been petrified, the situation so serious that Quidditch had been cancelled and Hogwarts was threatening to be closed.

But it was past midnight when Leona woke to the sound of footsteps.

Her eyes fluttered open to see that she'd fallen asleep in Fred's arms on a couch in the common room, George sprawled on the floor.

And then she caught a glimpse of Harry and Ron disappearing beneath Harry's invisibility cloak.

"Freddy. Freddy! Fred, wake up!" Leona whisper yelled as she smacked his arm before throwing a pillow at George to wake him up.

"Harry and our idiot brother just went out under Harry's Invisibility Cloak."

"So?" George muttered as he flopped back onto the floor.

"So, get off your arses, get your brooms and let's go after them."

"But Lena, why? Sleeping is so much more fun," Fred whined as he tried to pull her back down to the couch.

"Fine. I'll go help him without you," she huffed as she stood.

"Wait!" Fred's voice came as he and George pushed themselves up onto their elbows.

"We're coming with you," George said.

With a triumphant smile on her face, Leona changed her clothes quickly before grabbing her broom as the three of them hovered in the dark skies high above Hagrid's hut.

"What the bloody hell is the Minister for Magic doing here?" Leona asked in a loud whisper.

"Bet you 100 Galleons Lucius Malfoy coerced him. Or paid him off," George said.

"Wait! Someone's coming out!" Fred noted as he pointed to the ground and the lantern that illuminated Ron and Harry.

"Those idiots are heading into the Forbidden Forest," Leona said in disbelief.

"Oh, mum is so going to put bars on his window now," George said as they watched them go.

"Lena, please tell me that you're not thinking what I think you're thinking," Fred pleaded but the brunettes' stormy eyes stayed focused on the little light of the lantern below them.

"Oh, no, no! I may have agreed to come out here after them, but I did not agree to go into the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the bloody night!" George exclaimed.

"Not even if it means you find out who's behind all this? Who petrified Hermione and the others?" Leona challenged.

Both boys huffed.

"Fine," Fred ceded.

"But I'm not going in there without a bloody plan on getting out," George said and Leona grinned.

"It's a good thing I've got one then." 

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