Chapter 57

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Cedric's memorial was the next day.

Dumbledore had been blunt and told them the real cause of Cedric's death, that he was murdered by Lord Voldemort. A truth that the Ministry had wished to keep from them and were very blatantly denying. What hurt more was the fact that ever since Percy had graduated school and accepted a job at the Ministry, he'd turned his back on his family who believed Dumbledore.

Leona had spent that time next to Harry and Fred, her hands joined with both of theirs.

The day after that however was a bit more cheerful but still sad as it was the day that the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang's left Hogwarts. The three schools had indeed become quite close after this year together.

And it was sad to see them go.

And then it was time for the Hogwarts students to leave Hogwarts.

"Hi mum," Leona greeted as she hugged the plump woman.

"Hi, my sweet girl. How are you?" she asked concerned as they pulled away, Molly cupping her face.

"Better. I really just want to go back home to the Burrow after all of this though."

Molly's answering smile, however, was wicked.

"Oh, you're going home, just not to the Burrow."

"What?" Leona asked, severely confused.

"We'll explain more when we get there," Arthur said as he placed an arm around his wife.

"Are you also in on the so-called surprise my father has for me?" she asked.

"Yep," Arthur answered in unison with four other voices behind her, them being Fred, George, Ron and Ginny.

"You all know?" she asked exasperated, and they smiled at her. "That is so unfair!"

"You're going to love it!" Ginny exclaimed.

"That's a promise," the twins chorused as they both threw their arms over her shoulders.

Leona had rolled their eyes as they walked out of the station and loaded up a large SUV muggle car that Arthur drove.

"So, why are we going to Grimmauld Place?" she asked as they entered Islington.

"How did you know?" Ron asked in surprise and Leona just gave him a look as if it should've been obvious.

"My dad told me that the surprise had something to do with where I was born, and mum said I'm going home but not to the Burrow. It's the most obvious and logical answer, Ronny."

"Guess you'll just have to wait and see," Arthur said as they drove.

Leona was wrought with nerves as they pulled up opposite 11 and 13 Grimmauld Place.

"Would you like to do the honours?" Arthur asked as they all got out of the car, Moony chirping happily in his cage.

Leona pulled out her wand as she crossed the street and tapped it three times on the curb before the ground began to shake.

Windows sank back and balconies popped forward as the townhouses moved apart, number 12 Grimmauld Place revealing itself as Leona pushed open the squeaky gate and stared at the house as the ground stilled.

"I haven't been here in almost 14 years," she said as Fred appeared on one side and George on the other.

"We haven't been here ever," George said and Leona couldn't help but laugh.

"So, Lena, how about a tour?" Arthur asked from behind them, and Leona walked to the door, taking a deep breath as she lowered the handle and pushed open the door.

It was darker than she remembered.

A little dustier too but it still felt the same.

She still remembered this house and it remembered her. Even more so when a house-elf appeared in the entry hall.

"Kreacher!" Leona called as she approached him.

"Lady Black. Welcome home. You have grown."

Leona smiled at him.

"It's nice to see you too Kreacher."

Unlike other pure-blooded families, the Black's were never unkind to their house-elves, Kreacher having taken a special liking to Leona ever since she was born.

"These are the -"

"Weasley's, yes," Kreacher finished as he observed the group of redheads that had gathered in the hall. "He's told Kreacher all about you."

Kreacher's eyes fell on Fred.

"You especially."

Her brows furrowed.

"Who has told you all about them?" she asked.

Kreacher opened his mouth to reply when a voice said, "Well, I thought you'd never get here."

And Leona's eyes widened as she saw the man that stood at the end of the hall.

His teeth were white, his skin was clear, and his hair was washed and immaculately trimmed. And he stood dressed in a business suit with a purple velvet blazer on top.


And Sirius Black smiled at his daughter.

"Hello, Rose." 

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