Chapter 117

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The fire moved like water as it chased after them, the group of four pushing their legs as fast as possible as they ran through the labyrinth that was the Room of Requirement.

As they were the two trailing behind, Harry and Draco waved their wands as they caused furniture to fall over, blocking the path behind them in hopes of stalling the fire.

But the Feindfyre was too powerful as a dragon of flames roared as it busted through the wall of junk.

Eventually, they were forced to split up, sweat pouring down Draco's face as he sprinted in his black suit next to Harry. They had no idea where Hermione and Ron went but they had more pressing concerns, like the giant snake made of fire that was chasing them.

At a junction where several different pathways met up, was where they crashed into each other, literally.

But they had no way to go.

A lion roared as it ran down one path, the dragon screeching as it flew down another, and the snake down the last.

And as expected the snake struck first.

Harry pushed both Ron and Draco out of the way as he cast a dome of water around them.

Draco had managed to catch himself but Ron, however, fell to the floor.

And it was a good thing too because Ron landed on broomsticks.

And just like that, they were airborne.

But even on brooms, the fire still raged as they dodged not just the flames but the stacks of falling furniture as well, Hermione parting the fire at one point so they could make it to the exit.

They only just made it to the exit.

Hermione, Draco and Ron landed on their feet, a flourish of fire at the last second knocking Harry off his broom and the diadem out of his hand.

"Harry!" Hermione called as she pulled a basilisk fang from her bag, and Harry brought it down on the tiara as darkness spewed from it.

While Harry fell to the floor in pain, Draco kicked the tiara into the fire, the shapes and faces forming in the darkness now forming in the fire, racing towards them before the doors slammed shut.

They were all out of breath and covered in sweat as the doors of stone shielded them from the heat of the fire and the wrath of Voldemort's soul, Harry more than the rest of them as he sat against the wall panting.

"It's the snake. She's the last one. She's the last Horcrux," Harry revealed, and Draco could only shake his head.

"I always wondered why he kept that bloody snake around," he muttered, and Ron then knelt next to Harry.

"Look inside him, Harry. Find out where he is. If we find him, we can find the snake. Then we can end this," Ron urged and Hermione then knelt next to him.

With his eyes closed, Harry flinched and gasped before opening them, Draco having crouched down to their level too.

"I know where he is," Harry announced before Ron and Hermione helped him up.

"I'm not going with you," Draco said suddenly and they all turned to face him, Harry being the main person he was directing his explanation to. "I have to go and help my cousin. After all she's done, if there's anyone I'm dying for, it's her."

Harry only took two steps towards the Malfoy who's breathing became heavier.

And then Harry stuck out his hand.

A hand that Draco clasped firmly.

"Stay alive. Both of you," Harry said and Draco nodded.


But before they parted ways, the earth shook violently as through the windows they watched the roof of the Astronomy tower begin to crumble. 

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