Chapter 28

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(A/N: Prisoner of Azkaban...let's go. Hope you enjoy. XxD)


But the holiday couldn't last long enough though.

As soon as they returned to London, her father's wanted poster was everywhere, people giving her strange looks as they avoided her, the resemblance between the two very clear, the grey of her eyes being the main similarity between the two.

Now it was the twins and Ginny who refused to leave her side and Leona was more than grateful for her family, the redheads warning Hermione, Harry and the rest of their family to not bring up Sirius around Leona.

Rain now poured down on the train as Ginny opted to sit with the twins and Leona this time, rather than her friends in her year, Harry, Hermione and Ron in the next compartment.

They weren't even halfway there though when the train screeched to a halt.

"What's happening?" Ginny asked as she began to shiver, frost coating the window.

"I don't know," Leona said as the twins peered out the window, trying to see if anything was out there when the lights died, and the train began to shake.

The air changed as the cold set in.

It was almost as if all the happiness was being sucked from the room.

Even more so when Malfoy burst in, chest heaving as he shut the door to their compartment and pushed George out of the way, squeezing himself into the corner furthest from the door.

"What the bloody hell are you doing in here?" the twins asked in unison, annoyed frowns on their faces.

"Whatever that demon is, I'd rather it goes after you fools first," the boy muttered as he hugged his knees.

And then their compartment door opened.

George had a tight grip on Ginny as a hooded black figure, acute to what Malfoy described as a demon, slid the door open with a wave of its bony black hand.

You could hear the sound of hearts racing as the hooded demon made its way inside the compartment, but it seemed fixated on Leona who couldn't move.

No one dared move, no one knew what to do as it seemed to pull Leona's very essence from her, sucking it under its hood as she groaned, a baby's scream echoing in her ears.

And then came the blinding white light as Leona fell to the floor, unconscious and a man stood behind a white shield and the demon was forced away from Leona as Fred jumped to her side, along with all the other Weasley's in the compartment.

"Lena? Lena! Lena, can you hear me?" Fred cried as he held her head gently in his lap.

The man then knelt by her side, pressing two fingers to her neck.

"She's got a strong pulse and she's still warm. She should be coming around any second now. Harry did," he announced.

"Who are you? Is Harry, ok?" Ginny asked.

"Professor Lupin," he answered curtly before pulling a gold-wrapped rectangle out of his pocket. "Harry is now fine. Is everyone else here, ok?"

They all nodded.

"Though I think Malfoy may have wet his pants," George joked, Ginny smiling as they turned to the blonde boy who only scowled at them before storming out of their compartment, stepping over Leona's body.

And then her eyes fluttered open.

"Lena? Hey, you're ok," Fred soothed and she gave him a weak smile as he helped her sit up, and then she saw who crouched in front of her and her eyes widened.

"Uncle Remus!" she exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around his neck, a smile on her lips and his as he hugged her back.

"You've grown, my little Lena," he smiled affectionately as they pulled away. "How are you feeling?"

"Alright. A little tired. What was that thing?" she asked as Remus offered her a hand and she took it, allowing him to pull her to her feet and sit her on the seat again, Fred at her side.

"That was a dementor, a guard of Azkaban. They're here guarding the castle grounds in case your father shows up here. For Harry or for you."

Leona's heart began to sink in her chest as panic rose in her throat, Fred instantly squeezing her hand before Remus offered her the gold rectangle after eyeing their conjoined hands.

"It's chocolate. Eat. You'll feel better. I'm going to have a word with the driver, I'll be right back," he said as he cupped her face before leaving, sliding the door shut.

"Alright. Who was he?" Fred asked. "And how did you know him?"

"He's my godfather. I've told you about him. I've called him Uncle Remus all my life though," she explained as she chewed on a square of chocolate.

"Are you sure you're ok?" George questioned.

"No, not really," Leona admitted as she kept eating, head leaning on Fred's shoulder as his arm wrapped around her. "But I will be."

"Lena, how come you live with us and not your godfather?" Ginny asked, the twins shooting her a reprimanding look that actually made her smile.

"It's fine. To answer your question Gin, it's because at the time when my dad gave me up, it was too dangerous. And then later Uncle Remus and I decided it would just be better for me to stay with you. I got to grow up with a family and idiots my own age," she grinned as she nudged Fred who nudged her back. "And I was safe. So, I stayed."

"I'm glad you did," Ginny said as she hugged her.

"Me too." 

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