Chapter 32

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They didn't say long.

The trio had gone to Honeydukes and Zonko's as usual before grabbing butterbeer to go and heading back to the castle, not quite fancying the cold weather.

George had gone off somewhere,  Leona hoping that it was somewhere with Angelina, as she and Fred had some time to themselves in the common room, everyone else still out at Hogsmeade.

At least that was until Harry stormed in.

"Harry? What's wrong?" Leona asked as she stood from the couch she'd been sitting on with Fred, having noted the angered expression on his face.

"You! That's what's wrong!" he exclaimed as he moved closer to her, Ron and Hermione on his heels.

Leona furrowed her brow.

"I don't get it? Have I done something wrong?"

"How could you feel sorry for him?! How could you not hate him?! He's a murderer and he was supposed to be their FRIEND!" the younger boy raged.

"Harry, what are you on about?" Fred asked as he stood.

"Your father is the reason my parents are dead. My godfather is the reason your mother is dead. And you don't hate him. Well, guess what! I don't care! Because when he comes for me, I'm going to kill him, because he deserves it!"

Fred's gaze instantly fell on his girlfriend who went rigid, eyes darkening as a storm raged beneath the grey of her irises.

"And when you do, I'll be there to return the favour. I don't care who you are."

And Leona stormed out of Gryffindor tower.

Harry was still enraged when Fred spun him round, grasping his collar tightly in his fists and startling the younger boy.

"You don't know the whole story!" he spat in Harry's face, Harry's anger long gone. "Why don't you take after Hermione and have all the facts before talking about crap that you know nothing about?! Because if you ever talk to Lena like that again, you deal with me."

And Fred threw Harry down as he chased after Leona. 

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