Chapter 65

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Leona was sitting at breakfast the next morning, eating with Fred, when Moony landed in front of her.

"Hey Moon," Leona greeted as she stroked his head and took the letters that were attached to his ankle, while Fred fed him a piece of toast before nipping at him affectionately and flying off.

The first page was her timetable for the year, one considerable note being that Defence Against the Dark Arts was taken off her subject list.

The second letter, however, was from her father.

My darling Rose,

After Harry's hearing, Dumbledore wrote to inform me of the teaching change happening at Hogwarts.

Umbridge sounds like a horrid woman, and even with your training and control, I don't want you in any unnecessary situations where your secret could potentially be revealed to the Ministry.

When they found out about your mother, she was called into St. Mungo's for testing and then to the Minister for questioning as they too, thought she was a threat.

They will do worse to you my Rose, because of the last name that you bear and for that is my fault, I apologise.

I have worked it out with Dumbledore that you are not to take DADA this year. Your training has superseded any type of school teaching anyways.

Rose, please stay safe this year.


All my love,

Your father.

"Miss Black," came a voice from behind her and she and Fred, who had been reading over her shoulder, Leona having fixed the enchantment so that he could see the true words, turned to see Professor Umbridge facing them.

"Can I help you Professor?" she asked, with a fake smile.

"I couldn't help but note that I did not see your name on any of my class registers?" she said with an equally fake smile, but Leona's grin turned genuine.

"Oh, I underwent extra tutoring with my previous Defence Professors. And with my O for Defence Against the Dark Arts in my Newts, Dumbledore and my parents decided that it would be more useful to allocate my Defence time to a different subject, seeing as I won't need it for what I want to do after school."

"Your parents meaning your father, Sirius Black?" she asked calculatedly.

She frowned. "I mean the Weasley's, who've been my parents for 14 years. I barely remember my biological father."

"Would you mind if I-"

She didn't even finish her question before snatching the letter from Leona's hand and reading it furiously before crumpling it up and throwing it back onto the table.

"Have a pleasant day," she strained with a fake smile before trotting off, heels clicking on the stone.

Leona held out her hand, Fred instantly smacking it in a high-five.

"That was brilliant, Lena!" Fred exclaimed as he pecked her cheek. "I wonder what the charm made her read."

"Freddy, I think I just found out what I'm going to be doing with my spare," she said, still staring in the direction Umbridge had walked off in.

"And what's that?" he asked with an arm around her waist.

"Expand our business horizons." 


The twins set down a brown trunk inscribed with yellow words, "Weasley and Weasley," in block letters. And then across the corner of the logo in a cursive black script was the words, "and Black."

And so began the sales.

A few they gave out for free as they had excess and they were easy to make like Fever Fudges and Coughing Chocolate, but the Common Room was awash with noise and excitement as they all but sold out, everyone eager to get out of Umbridge's class.

Hermione on the other hand had noted the scars on the back of Harry's hand from his detention with Umbridge, but the boy refused to tell Dumbledore, insisting that the old wizard had enough on his plate.

"Blimey, Harry. The woman's torturing you. If the parents knew about this -"

"Well, I haven't got any of those have I?" Harry grumbled as he returned to his book, cutting off Ron.

"But you have a sister."

His eyes widened.

"Hermione, don't-

"Lena!" the girl yelled across the common room and a pair of stormy eyes looked up before walking over, smile fading at the looks on their faces.

"What happened?" she asked, closing the notebook she'd been recording sales in.

"Nothing," Harry said pointedly and Leona only fixed him with a look.

"Harry James Potter, are you going to tell me or am I going to have to find out myself?"

Harry only glared at Hermione before pulling out his hand from under his book, Leona dropping to her knees as she cradled it, examining the wound as they explained what happened.

"She did this with a quill?" Leona questioned and they nodded before she covered Harry's hands with hers and closed her eyes.

Only to fall to the ground in shock as Harry's wound also appeared on her own hand.

"What the bloody hell was that, Lena?" Ron asked.

"A healing spell," she said as she looked at her own hand. "Whatever hex she's got on those quills is a nasty one. But every hex can be undone."

"Lena, I'm sorry," Harry began but she cut him off with a smile.

"Don't be. It's just a little scrape. I've had worse. And I'll take any opportunity to screw over that pathetic pink excuse for a person."

"Lena, are you sure-"

"Harry," she said earnestly. "I'm fine. And hopefully sooner rather than later, I'll have a counter-curse or an antidote for this hex."

"You really think, you can do that?" Hermione asked and the girl grinned, almost as if embracing the pain.

"I love a challenge." 

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