Chapter 20

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It was the second day at Hogwarts as everyone sat in the Great Hall, snacking on food as they did homework and studied.

Ginny had been sorted into Gryffindor, the Sorting hat annoyed at her last name, but nicer because she was the only female Weasley he'd had in generations, making Leona quite the rich woman as she collected her winnings from the twins, who again lost their bet.

She'd even made friends in her year, sitting with them now as Leona sat with the twins, George chatting with Oliver about when training was going to start as Fred kept trying to distract Leona from completing her Transfiguration homework, that being her worst subject.

And it was working.

He loved her smile.

And it would take small things to make her smile too. A compliment in her ear, a kiss to her temple, taunting her by waving fries in front of her face.

And Leona didn't mind at all, because she loved his smile. She loved seeing him happy. And if this was making him happy, then it was fine with her, even if she did act a little annoyed.

But their fun was interrupted by the screech of an owl.

"Is that Errol?" George asked as they watched the owl fly in.

"I think so," Fred answered.

"I want an owl," Leona admitted, both twins looking at her. "Well, obviously one that's younger, but I want an owl."

"You could by an army of them. So why don't you?" George asked.

"I'm thinking of buying one next year. As a reward for myself after we finish our O.W.L.s"

Both twins groaned.

"Don't even mention those bloody tests of torture," Fred whined as he rested his head on Leona's shoulder.

"So I won't even bring up N.E.W.T's then?" she smirked and they both groaned again.

"We'll never make it," George added as he rested his forehead on her other shoulder, Leona's hands gently holding their heads there as she laughed.

"You want the joke shop, we at least have to pass our O.W. Ls," she said as they groaned again, making Leona laugh again, unintentionally joining in with everyone else who laughed as Errol crashed into a bowl of chips, a red letter clutched in his mouth.

"Ron's got a Howler," Leona said in excitement and intrigue as the twin's heads shot up.

Ron had Harry had apparently been locked out of the platform, unable to board the train and get to Hogwarts. So, the geniuses had decided to steal the Ford Anglia and drive it to school, resulting in them crashing into the Whomping Willow, a deadly tree that destroyed anything that landed on it or within reach. Ron had even broken his wand, which he'd been trying to tape back together when the Howler arrived.

"Go on Ron. I ignored one from my Gran once. It was horrible," Neville explained, face looking slightly terrified as he relived the memory for a second.

And Ron hesitantly broke the wax seal before dropping the card in fear as his mother's voice boomed from it.

"RONALD WEASLEY! How dare you steal that car?! I am absolutely disgusted! Your father's now facing an inquiry at work and it's entirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line, we'll bring you straight home!" the Howler screamed at him, having transformed into a mouth-like shape as it scolded Ron, the boy completely terrified, but it wasn't done as it turned on Ginny, voice becoming softer, calmer. "Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud."

Ginny was a little embarrassed at all the people looking at her before the Howler blew a raspberry at Ron and tore itself up.

Leona huffed a small laugh. "Well, that made my morning." 


 "How do you not like him?" Angelina asked Leona as they walked hurriedly through the halls of the castle.

"He's a complete fraud if you ask me. He has pictures of himself in his own classroom and let a bunch of Cornish Pixies loose on us. We're fourth years Ange. Cornish Pixies are like child's play."

"Says the top Charms student, who can just freeze them in place and move them back into their cage," Angelina retorted and Leona gave her a sly smile.

"Regardless, Defence against the Dark Arts just became the worst subject here."

"I'm pretty sure you're the only girl who doesn't like him."

"Oh, I'm sure everyone's just drooling over him. I don't like blonds anyway."

"We all know that you prefer redheads," Angelina teased as she nudged her friend's shoulder, Leona laughing.

"At least Freddy isn't obsessed with his own smile."

"No, he's obsessed with yours. Which is totally unfair by the way. The twins are cute. You got a good one."

Leona raised a brow, giving her friend a wicked smirk.

"The beauty of identical twins is that there's two of them. George is still single."

"We'll see," Angelina ceded.

"I'll take that. You're honestly so much better than all the girls George thinks are cute."

"He doesn't think I'm cute?" Angelina asked, kind of hurt.

"Oh, he thinks you're gorgeous."

Angelina smiled, butterflies in her stomach.

"We can discuss your little crush on my best friend later, I have to go meet Fred."

"I don't have a crush on George," Angelina protested.

"That smile on your face said otherwise," Leona taunted.

"I don't like George."

"Whatever you say, Ange. See you at practice."

And Leona dashed off, leaving a flustered Angelina behind.

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