Chapter 30

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Leona had told Fred what happened with the Boggart but told George about what her uncle had said about Fred. And her best friend had almost started crying with how hard he laughed as he imagined what Professor Lupin could possibly put his twin through.

But that soon faded with what happened that night after everyone had returned from Hogsmeade.

The Fat Lady's portrait that was the entrance to Gryffindor tower had been slashed to pieces, the Fat Lady gone from her frame, having taken refuge in a painting of the African Savannah.

And she blamed Sirius Black for it.

The castle had been locked down, every entrance and exit sealed off and all the students sent to the great hall to sleep in sleeping bags conjured by the headmaster.

Leona and the twins however were asked to sleep in the headmaster's office. Leona for safety precautions and the twins to keep her company.

And then of course, with her uncle being out sick due to his condition, every year level had to suffer through a DADA lesson with Professor Snape as their teacher.

But then came the game.

The first Quidditch game of the season and it was pouring.

The rain was torrential as the stands were filled and the players darted across the field, Leona even unable to surf on her broom in these conditions.

They were playing against Hufflepuff which was fine at least until the lightning stuck Alicia's broom, setting the twigs on fire as she crashed to the ground.

But no matter how fast they spurred their brooms or how agile they were, it meant nothing as Harry fell from over 100 feet, the game stopping as Hufflepuff captured the Snitch and Dumbledore saved Harry's life with a wandless spell.

But Leona was more concerned that Harry was ok as she, the twins, Hermione, Ron, Seamus and Neville rushed him to the infirmary.

"He looks a bit peaky," Ron said.

"Peaky?" Leona mocked in disbelief.

"What did you expect? He fell over a hundred feet," Fred said.

"Yeah Ron, let's walk you off the Astronomy tower, see what you look like," George added as Harry's eyes began to flutter open.

"Probably a right side better than he normally does," Harry murmured, everyone sighing in relief.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked as she sat at Harry's bedside, the boy himself sitting up.

"Oh, brilliant," Harry said sarcastically.

"You gave us quite the scare Harry," Leona said as Fred sat down on the chair on the other side of Harry's bed, his girlfriend perching herself on his lap.

"What happened?" he asked as Hermione gave him his glasses.

"Well, you fell off your broom," Ron said.

"Really?" Harry sassed. "I meant the match. Who won?"

"Harry, no one blames you," Leona said softly, Fred's hand on her hip as Hermione stood anxiously, not liking the news that had to deliver to the boy.

"The dementors weren't supposed to come inside the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. As soon as he saved you, he sent them straight off," Hermione explained, Harry sighing as he collapsed back onto his pillow, knowing it meant they lost.

"There's something else you should know Harry," Ron spoke up as he unrolled the blanket he held. "When you fell, your broom sort of blew into the Whomping Willow, and well...." Ron trailed off as he held up the broken pieces of Harry's broom, the boy crestfallen.

He was soon discharged once Madam Pomfrey looked him over, Harry going off with Ron and Hermione as Leona went off with the twins.

They had to get some sleep, tomorrow was Hogsmeade day. 

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