Chapter 86

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A month later, and they were ready to return home from Hogwarts.

Dumbledore had allowed George, Leona and Fred to pass and officially graduate from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, upon his reinstatement as Hogwarts Headmaster.

That week that they'd returned to school had been absolutely and utterly hard.

There was no other way to describe it.

In honour of his death, Sirius' innocence came to light as Fudge now believed what Harry had said to him, even two years ago when he claimed that Peter Pettigrew was alive and behind the murders of Odette Black, the Potters and the 12 muggles Sirius was thought to have killed. Not to mention the way Dumbledore promoted the story.

People were still sceptic, but for the most part, they believed what was revealed in the Prophet.

Leona however, ignored all the sympathetic looks and the 'I'm sorry for your loss' pity talks she received. She talked to no one other than the Weasley's and Harry. Even then though, the words she said were few.

Some days she couldn't even bring herself to get out of bed, her limbs becoming too heavy to move.

She had lived before so easily because she always knew her father was alive out there, somewhere, and now he was gone for good.

Not to mention that she'd heard the prophecy.

And she knew it meant that either Harry was going to kill Voldemort, or Voldemort was going to kill Harry.

For neither one could live while the other one survives.

And that broke her all the bit more.


Leona truly would not have gotten through anything without the boy.

He was so patient, and so calm, and caring and understanding with her.

He made sure she ate and drank water regularly, take her to the Prefect's bathroom on the fifth floor to have a bath with him, held her for as long as she needed without saying a word.

But he'd also come to discover that he needed to say a word.

When he told her the most random, yet exciting and funny stories, he felt the tension leave her body and even the corners of her lips lifted up as she laid on his chest and listened to the comforting sound of his heartbeat.

She really wouldn't have been anything without him.

But the tears that followed when she hugged Molly and Arthur as they got off the train were nothing but silent and sorrowful.

They'd all been a massive help for her as they returned to Grimmauld Place, a property she now owned as the last living Black.

They weren't staying, they were to return to the burrow on Dumbledore's request, they were just there to pick up their belongings.

She'd even taken a few of her father's shirts and jackets from his room, taking a moment to lay on his bed and curl herself into his pillow as she allowed herself to miss him.

But she forced herself not to cry, convinced that she'd cried too much.

And she'd fallen asleep to the point where none of the Weasley's had the heart to wake her. So Fred merely crawled in next to her, arm around her waist as they slept.

And once they'd returned to the Burrow the next day, Leona had been unpacking in her room when she felt her locket hit against her chest and she was reminded of the page that sat folded up between it.

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