Chapter 108

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"LIAR!" Bellatrix bellowed as she used her blade to slice Griphook's cheek, the goblin also unknowing of how the sword of Gryffindor came to be in Hermione's possession. "Consider yourself lucky, goblin," Bellatrix said as she blew the hair from her face before walking over to where Hermione's body lay, the word mudblood carved into her arm as silent tears slid down her face. "The same won't be said for this one."

"Like hell," Ron growled as he burst forth from their hiding place, despite Harry's protests. "Expelliarmus!" Ron called as Harry caught Bellatrix's wand and Lucius drew his.

"Stupefy!" Harry bellowed, blasting Lucius back before he and Ron engaged in a duel with Draco and his mother.

"IMPEDIMENTA!" Leona bellowed as she appeared in the middle of the group before pushing them all away from each other, not wanting to hurt any of them. "You know how to ruin everything, don't you Ron?" Leona spat angrily before she turned to see Hermione, her head pulled back and Bellatrix's dagger at her throat.

"Look what we have here. It's Harry Potter and my darling niece," Bellatrix whispered to Hermione.

"Aunt Cissy," Leona greeted the woman, not even looking at her, her glare trained on Bellatrix as she had Harry, Ron and Griphook behind her. "Auntie Bella. Remember what happened last time we met," she growled but Bellatrix only laughed.

"Look, Potter's all bright and shiny and new again. Just in time for the Dark Lord," Bellatrix whispered. "Call him," she ordered, and Leona turned to where Draco stood panting, likely from fear. "Call him!"

And Draco stared at the floor as Lucius gave him a disgusted look before stepping forward and pulling up his sleeve.

But before he could make the mark move to summon Voldemort, the chandelier began to squeak, drawing everyone's attention.

And when Bellatrix saw the house elf that sat atop it as he unscrewed it, she turned to Leona who grinned evilly as the chandelier fell and she used her magic to pull Hermione towards her and into Ron's arms.

Leona then thrust out her hand, blasting Lucius back with a stunning spell before she turned to Bellatrix and Wormtail, her gaze rage-filled.

"Dobby, get them out!" she ordered.

"Stupid elf! You could've killed me!" Bellatrix bellowed, drawing everyone's attention to her.

"Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure," the elf replied and Narcissa began to wave her wand.

Dobby only snapped his fingers, and the wand was in his hand.

"HOW DARE YOU TAKE A WITCH'S WAND?! HOW DARE YOU DEFY YOUR MASTERS?!" Bellatrix screamed and Dobby only stood tall.

"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf. And Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends."

And they quickly grabbed his hands as Bellatrix threw her knife, and at the last second, Leona let go, but her shield wasn't quick enough to stop the knife.

As they disappeared, Harry cried out, "NO!" but they were already gone.

Leona only glared at her father's murderer, the two fingers on her right hand crossing over in a silent message to Draco.

"The next time we meet, Auntie Bella, will be the last. That's a promise," Leona said as she crossed her arms in an X over her chest before flinging them down and screaming, "CRUCIO!"

A wave of green light rippled across the room as Wormtail, Lucius and Bellatrix fell to the floor, bodies writhing in agony.

Draco however, had had enough time to push his mother to the floor thanks to his cousins' warning, both of them a little bruised from the hard landing but nowhere near in as much pain.

"The same goes for you Wormtail," Leona growled.

And with that, she promptly Disapparated. 

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