Chapter 112

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Like soldiers.

Like soldiers, like mindless drones the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry marched towards the Great Hall, having been summoned by their headmaster.

They hardly ever saw him, so many of them were curious as to what he would want, except for those who had seen Harry Potter beforehand.

Snape's long cape billowed behind him as he made his way to the front of the hall, the dais completely empty as the Carrows, two death eaters posted to the school by Voldemort should Harry Potter return for his final year, stood behind the headmaster, looking on with deranged smiles.

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour," Snape began, not needing to speak up in the dead silence of the hall, all the students, the Gryffindors and friends of Harry specifically, with their heads down and eyes on their feet. "It's come to my attention that earlier this evening, Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade. "

And naturally, the entire hall burst into whispers and murmurs.

Ginny, however, only squeezed the hand of the blue-eyed person standing next to her tighter, her heart beating in her throat with nerves.

"Now," Snape said, voice loud enough to be heard over the whispers as he commanded quietly. "Should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aid Mr Potter, they will be punished, in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated as, equally guilty."

He then began to move down from the dais, observing the masses gathered into the four corners of the hall.

"Now then, if anyone here, has any knowledge of Mr Potter's movements this evening, I invite them to step forward... Now."

This time the murmurs and gasps were amplified as Harry Potter himself walked out from next to Ginny, Gryffindor robes disguising the Chosen One.

And the look he gave Snape was one of smugness and of anger.

"It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem headmaster. And I'm afraid it's quite extensive," Harry informed as the doors to the Great Hall opened to reveal the group that walked in.

Dressed in jeans, one of her father's shirts knotted at her waist and one of Fred's jumpers on top, Leona Black walked into the hall, flanked by the twins and the remaining members of the Order: the rest of the Weasley's, Angelina, Remus, Tonks and Kingsley Shacklebolt.

"How dare you stand where he stood?" Harry asked, Fred slipping his hand into Leona's, them being the only two who knew. "Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him! Tell them," he spat.

Snape's only response was to draw his wand, the Carrows behind him repeating the movement as the students gasped, pushing themselves to the walls and McGonagall jumping in front of Harry, her wand pointed at Snape.

The student's gasps couldn't have been louder as the members of the Order, Leona excluded, raised their wands.

And surprisingly McGonagall fired first.

A plume of fire shot from her wand, the headmaster easily blocking it as the students cried out in fear of being hit.

With a loud bang, Leona clapped her hands together once before raising them up high, protective shields forming in front of the students as they began to release themselves from the wall, watching the battle with eager eyes from behind the safety of her shield.

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