Chapter 29

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"I am pleased to welcome, Professor R.J Lupin, who will be taking the post of Defence against the dark arts teacher. Good luck Professor," Dumbledore welcomed as the hall clapped, Leona the loudest as she smiled at him.

"Potter! Potter!" whisper-yelled Malfoy from the table next to him. "Is it true you fainted? You actually fainted?" He laughed.

"Shove off Malfoy," Ron shot at him as he pushed Harry to face forward and away from Malfoy.

"Malfoy! Hey, Malfoy!" Leona called, Ron and Harry intrigued by what could happen. "Did you actually wet yourself like a little baby when you ran into our compartment scared out of your mind?" she asked with a smirk, the Gryffindor's around her laughing at him as he repeated Ron's words and faced his friends.

"Thanks, Leona," Harry said to the girl who winked at him.


Fred then pressed a kiss to her cheek as she grumbled, "I really do hate the fact that he's like my second or third cousin."

"Well it's a good thing you're nothing like Malfoy," George said before they clapped for Hagrid, the Gryffindor's cheering particularly loud as they congratulated the giant on his new role as Care of magical animals professor.

But the whole hall stilled as Dumbledore explained the presence of the Dementors that would be stationed at every entrance to the grounds until Sirius Black was caught.

Naturally, the name of her father making a lot of people stare at her uncomfortably as Fred hugged her to his side, George squeezing her hand in support.

But Leona couldn't deal with it when her father had apparently been sighted in a town not far from the castle, the next morning. The second someone yelled that he'd been sighted, she stormed from the hall.

But she felt a lot better when her uncle had asked her help with his third-year class in her spare period, whom he was teaching about Boggarts.

She got to see Professor Snape in the most hilarious outfit. He wore heels!

She'd never laughed harder.

A lot of them had very good imaginations, truly turning their fears into something funny.

Not only was this educational but it helped the kids faced their fears, at least until it was Harry's turn.

"He can't go! It'll turn into Lord Voldemort!" her uncle muttered to himself as he went to jump in front of the boy, but Leona was faster.

She was faster as she jumped in front of Harry.

And they only had time to see the face of Sirius Black appear before Leona banished the Boggart back into the closet they held it in with a wave of her wand.

"My office. Go," her uncle whispered to her as he walked over to dismiss his class.

Her hands shook as she all but ran up the stairs and into her uncle's office, unable to think of anything else than the fact that this would be all over the school by the end of the day.

"Lena," her uncle said softly as he walked in, perching himself on the edge of his desk as he looked down at the girl who played with the locket around her neck anxiously.

"I'm not scared of him," she blurted. "I'm scared about a million other things that concern him, but I'm not scared of him."

"Like what?" Lupin asked softly.

"Him dying before I have a chance to see him again. Him having to endure Azkaban again. That he's lying to me."

"Lying to you about what?"

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