Chapter 83

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(A/N: This chapter....... Enjoy. XxD)


Leona didn't even have to speak as she shot stunning spells from both her wand and hands before she saw Ron, Hermione and Harry were trying to outrun a death eater and she Disapparated.

"Don't look behind you, just run for the door!" she yelled as she appeared behind them before she waved her hands, and the shelves began to collapse.

The group ran, Leona covering their escape as she then began to attack with fire, barely managing to make it out the door before she fell.

And when her fall was magically stopped, then she saw it.

It was a stone arch, with what looked like a thin wedding veil blowing in the breeze covering it as Harry heard its whispers. Luna as well.

But before they could creep into Leona's ears, then came the death eaters.

Like missiles of black smoke, they surrounded the group like a hurricane, shrouding them in darkness.

"LUMOS MAXIMA!" Leona screamed as she erupted in a burst of bright light, the death eaters were blown away.

But when it died down, and Leona helped Harry up, relieved that the Prophecy was still in his hand, they discovered that they were too late.

Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville and Luna all stood in the arms of a death eater with a wand at their heads. Leona's heart was in her throat at the sight of Bellatrix holding Neville hostage.

Where are you, Freddy?

Hurry up, Georgie.

"Were you actually naive enough to think that children, stood a chance against us?" Lucius asked as she walked towards him, leaning on his cane.

"If Voldemort is scared of the both of us, I'd say we'd wager a pretty decent chance against the likes of a coward like you," Leona spat as she tried to shield Harry, but he wasn't having it as he stood at her side.

"I'll make this very simple for the two of you, give me the prophecy now or watch your friends die," Lucius offered.

"How about you leave us all alone, and I won't kill your coward of a son?" Leona fired back and you could see that it took everything in Lucius not to strike at the girl as he held his hand out to Harry.

"Don't give it to him Harry!" Neville yelled, Bellatrix shushing him as she tapped her wand to his neck.

But Harry handed it over.

Lucius held it high in the air, savouring the moment where he realised that he would be the one praised by the dark lord, before a white light shone from behind him, and a relieved smile overtook Leona's face.

"Get away from my children," Sirius ordered before socking Lucius in the face.

And then came the white missiles of smoke as Nymphadora Tonks shot around the room, taking out all but Bellatrix that held the kid's hostage.

The twins had come through.

"Accio!" Leona called as she summoned the oracle to her hand, right out of Lucius' grasp before smashing it to pieces.

Better no one have it than risk Voldemort getting it.

Sirius then pulled the two down to huddle by the stone arch as the members of the Order arrived, Remus being one of them as they got the kids out one at a time.

But the small family didn't get much of a breather before Sirius and Leona were wordlessly shielding themselves from the spells the death eaters fired at them.

"Now listen to me, I want you to take the others and get out of here," he said to both of them as he ducked another spell.

"What?" they asked in unison, eyes wide.

"No! Sirius, I want to stay with you," Harry said.

"And I'm a part of the Order. Can't kick me out just yet dad," Leona grinned as she stood, thrusting out her wand as she blocked a spell and then fired two back.

"You've both done beautifully. But let me take it from here," Sirius said.

"Black!" Lucius spat and the two owners of the name whirled as the blond man pulled out his wand.

And with two more death eaters at his side, Lucius advanced, the family fighting in perfect sync as some blocked while the other attacked and vice versa.

"Stupefy!" Leona called out as a rather powerful ball of magic burst from her hand and knocked out one of the Death eaters, her father copying her action.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry yelled as Lucius' wand was sent flying from his hand.

Leona's heart broke for Harry as her father unconsciously said, "Nice one, James!"

She wasn't ready for what came next though.

She wasn't ready for what happened after her father blasted Lucius away.

She wasn't ready for the spell that was fired from her aunt's wand.

She wasn't ready for the killing curse that hit her father.

And she wasn't ready for him to fall into The Veil.

She wasn't ready for him to be dead.


Time seemed eternal in that one moment.

In that one moment when she watched the green light hit him, and then the white mist of The Veil enveloped him.

And just like that, he was gone.

Remus had to hold Harry back as he let out the most heartbreaking of screams.

But the only thing that filled Leona was anger.

Was pure undiluted rage, a fiery wrath and an untempted fury.

And Bellatrix saw it as she ran, and Leona chased after her. 

She chased after her father's murderer.

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