Chapter 9

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It was the night of the Halloween feast as jack-o-lanterns floated in the air and the enchanted high ceiling of the Great Hall was shrouded with clothes as it crackled with thunder and lit up with lightning.

And the best part about the Halloween feast was that with all of the candy and treats on the table, you would never be able to guess what was real and what was fake.

She, Fred and George had already had stomach aches with how are they'd been laughing when a Slytherin's tongue had grown triple his body's size, the pink muscular organ laying on the stone floors of the hall as it swelled, and the child was transported to the hospital wing.

Another Ravenclaw girl ingested a sweet that made her weightless, unable to stay on the ground until Professor McGonagall cast a spell to keep her in her seat.

That was just the couple that had happened as the feast had started, they couldn't wait to see what else would happen.

But their fun would be cut short when Professor Quirrell, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher who wore a turban and possessed a stutter, burst through the doors of the great hall.

"TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!" he screamed as he ran halfway towards the teacher's desk, Dumbledore and the others standing. "Thought you ought to know."

And with that, Quirrell promptly fainted as he collapsed to the floor. And the ceiling rumbled as thunder sounded and people began to scream as they jumped to their feet.

Leona's hand was instantly engulfed by Fred's, George on the opposite side of the table to them as they all prepared to make a mad dash for the dormitories, where they would be safe.

"But Fred - what about George?" Leona asked, worriedly as he began to drag her away.

"He can take care of himself. I need to make sure that you are safe."

"Fred, I can take care of myself," Leona said and he stopped abruptly as he turned to face her, hands on her shoulders but they slowly slid up to cup her face.

She couldn't ignore the heat of the touch, the affection in the gesture as she met his brown eyes with her grey ones, grey eyes that swirled like the thunderclouds above them.

"I know that, Lena. But listen to me when I say that I need to make sure that you're ok."

Leona was cut off from answering as Dumbledore bellowed, "SILENCE!"

And silence fell as the crowds faced him, Fred with a tight, yet gentle, grip on Leona.

"Everyone will please not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their house back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons," he ordered calmly but everyone still rushed for the doors.

"Lena, stay close alright?" Fred said as they began to move with the hordes.

She nodded as she gripped his arm tightly.

And they ran.

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