Chapter 54

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The day of the second task had finally dawned.

And Leona was up in the stands with the twins who'd just finished taking bets before joining her, George with Angelina by his side.

Angelina who'd been interrogated by Leona after Fred fell asleep in her bed two nights ago. The two were trying out a relationship.

And they were now all bundled up, Fred having brought a blanket to wrap around him and his girlfriend as the wind on the Black Lake was brutal.

The task worked simply, a treasure of sorts had been taken from each Champion and hidden amongst the merpeople of the Black Lake. And they had an hour to retrieve said treasure.

Fleur had to forfeit this task due to her being attacked by Grindylows in the water. It was then revealed what the treasure was, a person. A person that the Champions held affection for.

That's why Ron and Hermione weren't here.

They were at the bottom of the Lake.

Fred's arm seemed to tighten around Leona when he found this out.

"You know, I'm kinda glad that I'm not in the Tournament now," he admitted, and she looked up at him with a furrowed brow, still being able to smell the vanilla shampoo he used, and the woodsmoke smell that was just him.


"Because then you would be at the bottom of that Lake."

Her smile was unbelievably loving as she pecked his lips.

"Don't let George hear that," she smiled as she turned back down to the Lake to see Cedric and Cho rise up from the water.

"Yeah but, I'm stuck with George. I choose to have you in my life."

She blushed despite the cold as Viktor and Hermione broke the water's surface.

"So cheesy," she remarked as she squeezed him, and he pressed a kiss to her hair as Ron and Fleur's little sister came up for air. The crowd cheering.

"Where's Harry?" Leona worried after Harry didn't come up with them.

"Come on!" Fred said as he bundled up the blanket and they headed down to the lowest platform, just as Harry burst up from the lake and landed on the metal structure, water spewing from his mouth as Hermione wrapped towels around him.

"Harry!" Leona called, worried for her godbrother as she wrapped the blanket around him, muttering a heating charm as she did so.

"Lena! Hey! Whoa, that feels better," he said as she pulled the blanket tight around him.

"ATTENTION!" Bellowed Dumbledore, his voice amplified by his wand as everyone on their platform covered their ears, Fred still holding Leona close. "The winner is... Mr Diggory!"

And cameras flashed as the crowd cheered, Cedric with a massive smile on his face.

"Who showed innate command of the Bubblehead charm. However, seeing as Mr Potter would've finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr Weasley but the others as well. We've agreed to award him second place! For outstanding moral fibre!"

And the cheering grew even louder at that, spearheaded by the twins who cheered from different platforms.

But little did they know that things only went downhill from there. 

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