Chapter 121

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Rosalee was the last person Harry had to say goodbye to, and she knew it too as she sat on the steps in front of the courtyard where so much carnage had occurred.

"You knew," Harry said.

Said. Not asked.

And the completely broken look in Rosalee's eyes as she stood were answer enough.

Harry only hugged her.

"It's ok. It's ok," he promised as she squeezed him tight, and he felt her body tremble.

"It's not. It's not ok. You shouldn't have to die. I shouldn't have helped you get here," she whimpered, voice breaking as she tried to hold what little tears she had left in.

"It had to happen sometime," Harry joked and Rosalee cried as she chuckled. "And you didn't have a choice, Rosalee."

She only readjusted her grip on him.

"Say hi to my dad for me. And Uncle Remus."

Harry nodded against her neck.

"I will."

"I love you, Harry." 

He swallowed thickly as his chin rested on her shoulder before saying, "I love you too." 

Harry expected her to let go, but she still held onto him for dear life.

"Rosalee, you have to let me go."

"Not yet," she said instantly, wrapping her arms even tighter around her brother. "Not yet."

So, they stayed like that.

The minutes more they spent clinging to each other seemed like seconds to them both when Rosalee finally let him go.

And Harry Potter walked to his death.

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