Chapter 37

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(A/N: Goblet of Fire is my favourite one so let's go! Hope you enjoy. XxD)


The trio had survived O.W.L exams and had won the Quidditch Cup again, both events that were extremely detailed in the letters that Leona sent to her father, along with her ability to do wandless magic like her mother.

They communicated on a regular basis, Leona also having taken the precaution to charm the parchments so that they'd read a different message on the off chance they were intercepted, much like the Marauder's map.

And over the holidays Arthur had revealed the most exciting news.

All of them, minus Percy and Molly, were going to the Quidditch World cup!

Ireland versus Bulgaria.

Naturally the trio had been following the Quidditch season through the daily prophet, and they were rooting for Ireland in this one.

Harry and Hermione were even coming as well.

And Leona had promised to take lots and lots of pictures to send for her father, him supporting Bulgaria.

The sun was far from rising when Molly shook Leona and Ginny awake, the two running into the twins' room to jump on them and wake them up as they got ready for the trip.

The twins walked up ahead with Arthur who was leading them away from the Burrow, Leona walking with Ginny and Hermione as Ron and Harry trailed behind, naturally, and all of them with bags slung over their shoulders.

"Hey, dad! Where are we going?" Ron called from behind them, he and his best friend having been the last to be ready.

"Haven't the foggiest. Keep up!" the eldest Weasley urged, Ron and Harry jogging to catch up.

"Arthur! Well, it's about time sir," came the voice of a kindly looking man who stood ahead of them under a tree.

"Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a sleepy start," Arthur said pointedly to Harry and Ron, the latter yawning. "This is Amos Diggory everyone. He works with me at the Ministry," Arthur introduced as he shook the man's hand.

And then a boy that Leona recognised dropped down from the tree next to his father.

"This strapping young lad must be Cedric. Am I right?" Arthur asked as he held out his hand to shake Cedric's.

Cedric was in Leona's year and played Seeker for the Hufflepuff team.

He was actually a very nice person the few times they'd spoken. He was also one of the few that continued to speak to her last year with all the drama surrounding her father's escape from Azkaban, believing in the substance of a single person over the assumptions associated with their family.

Leona however turned to her female companions who shared her grin.

Though she was very much in love with Fred, it didn't hurt to admit that Cedric was quite pretty.

He took a quick second to hug the twins hello before doing the same for Leona, Ginny being extremely jealous after the fact, her sister promising to introduce her to the older boy later as Cedric and Amos led them out of the forest and to the top of a grassy hill, the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon.

"We don't want to be late," Arthur said as they reach the top of the hill, a single old boot sitting on top.

"Everyone get yourselves into a good position," Amos advised as they circled around it.

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