Chapter 62

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The extendable ears were lowered down to the bottom level of the house while all the teenagers stood on the third-floor stairs, George trying to angle the ears properly so they'd be able to hear.

This was a fairly new invention that the twins thought up based on a comment Leona had made when she said, "If only your ears stretched that long then maybe you would listen."

They didn't even remember what she was reprimanding them for before the idea had taken shape and now, they were putting it to good use.

At least until Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, broke them as she ran off with one ear.


"Now what about Harry joining?" Sirius proposed.

"Dad, he's not prepared for this. He's still a kid. Let him have a bit of fun before bombarding him with all of this," came Leona's voice.

"I agree but not to keeping him in the dark. At the very least we should tell him," Remus rebutted.

"If you tell him about the thing, he will go looking for it. That boy is a magnet for danger," Snape said.

"Fine. We'll be vague about the thing, but I agree he should know as well," Arthur said.

"He's just a boy! He's not James!" Molly retorted.

"But he's a boy who fought Voldemort. Without him, we wouldn't even know he was back, and you all wouldn't be here," Sirius fired back.

"You can't decide this for him. He's not your son," Molly said.

"Well, he's as good as."

"How touching Black. But the fact of the matter is that Potter is not qualified to be inducted into the Order! He's too young," Snape drawled.

"Rose is only two years older and she's joined," Sirius retorted.

"Hey!" Leona exclaimed, rather offended. "You're the one who asked me!"

"Your daughter at least possesses her mother's magical talent which she has utilised to a powerful degree. The Death Eaters saw her the night they burned down the World Cup. They know what she can do. They'll be coming after her, so her place in the Order is justified," Snape informed.

"They saw a couple of simple second-year spells. And they knew what my mother could do. They have no idea what I can do. Let them come for me," Leona challenged.

"Despite that fact, you are not to leave the twin's side once you return to school young lady," Remus instructed.

"We're not bringing my boys into this!" Molly piped up.

"But dearest, she's going to be attached to them anyways. Might as well have them prepared for anything," Arthur amended.

"I can also keep an extra eye on them all if that would bring some comfort to you?" Snape offered.

"I'm pretty sure my daughter can take care of herself - Ow!" Sirius exclaimed as his daughter elbowed him in the ribs.

"He wasn't talking to you dad," she said as she rolled her eyes as Molly and Arthur thanked the man who simply bowed his head. "I would think that you would want every measure to be taken to ensure my safety? I would think that you owe Professor Snape a thank you for offering to protect your only child," she said with a raised brow, Remus and everyone else enjoying the show, Severus especially, although he kept his cold exterior.

"You can't be serious?" he asked, and Leona only gave him a look.

"I take after my father. Try me."

"Thank you for helping protect my daughter... Snape," Sirius said finally and Snape let grow a small smirk on his face.

"Miss Black, though there is no measure by which I could thank you for that, remind me to award Gryffindor 100 points once we return to the castle."

Leona grinned wickedly at her professor.

"Why, of course, Sir."

Remus subtly high-fived his goddaughter, making Sirius scowl at him.

"Alright!" Sirius exclaimed. "Back to the topic of Harry."

Leona sighed.

"Look, how about we tell him everything but keep him in the dark about the thing. Only induct him if it is absolutely necessary, which as of right now, it isn't," Leona suggested, the table murmuring noises of agreement.

"And what about you, Lena dear?" Molly asked.

"I'll tell the twins only what they need to know to keep me safe. And even if something does happen, I don't need my wand to Apparate, nor do I need my mouth to perform spells now. So long as someone doesn't Obliviate me, I should be fine."

A searing pain then shot through her head as she grabbed it, Sirius worriedly calling her name as Molly and Remus also grew anxious, but Leona knew exactly what was happening.

Someone was trying to enter her mind.

So, with all the strength she had, she pushed back and shut them out behind a wall of red fire and Snape stumbled back with the force he was pushed out.

"Are you alright?" Her father asked, concerned and Leona's stormy eyes moved to her Potions Professor.

"I'm fine," she said as everyone followed her line of sight.

"No one will be getting into her mind anytime soon," he said simply.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're pulling!?" Sirius raged as he pushed himself to his feet and prepared to march over to Snape only for Leona to grab his hand.

"Dad, I'm fine. Leave it alone."

"But Rose-"

"Sirius. She's asked that you leave it alone," Remus repeated softly as the man only crouched back down to hug his daughter.

"Miss Black, have you always been an Occlumens or is it just natural talent?" Snape asked the brunette as she pulled away from her father's hug.

"Uh, the twins gave me a book on rare advanced potions for Christmas one year. One of the potions mentioned that it wouldn't work on someone who was strong in Occlumency. I didn't know what it was so I looked it up, decided it would be a useful skill to have. The twins are Occlumens too."

Snape hated to say it, but he was very impressed with the girl.

"Sorry, for those of us who don't know, what is Occlumency and whatever else you said?" Arthur asked.

"Occlumency is the art of being able to block a Legilimens, who is a mind walker. They are able to navigate the furthest reaches of your mind, see memories, gain knowledge and even control your actions, should they be so powerful. And Miss Black here is what we call an Occlumens, she can block anyone and everyone who tried to enter her mind," Snape explained. "Both are typically quite difficult to grasp, but I believe she will be very safe, both inside and outside of Hogwarts."

"Right, I think that's enough for tonight. We'll discuss this later," Remus said, Molly announcing,

"Agreed. Meeting adjourned."

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