Chapter 56

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"How are you feeling?" Fred asked as Leona woke up, the two of them having shared her bed whilst she slept, but Fred had been reading the entire time.

"Better," she sighed. "I just need him to be ok. If You-Know-Who really is back, I can't lose my dad again. I can't lose any more people."

"Rosalee, look at me," Fred said softly. "You're not going to lose anyone else. And your dad is fine. He sent this for you." Leona sat up instantly as Fred handed her the letter that arrived as she'd been sleeping and tore it open.


My love, I was saddened to hear of the loss of your friend, even more so when I was told of the chord it had struck with you.

I assure you that I am in perfect health.

And to prove the fact, there will be a small surprise for you, once you disembark the train at King's Cross Station. I do hope you like it. I believe it will bring some peace to you. I'll even give you a hint.

It has something to do with where you were born.

Rose, I think now is prudent to remind you of what I said last we met.

The ones who love us never really leave us.

Cedric is still with you, no matter how close you two were. Your mother is still with you no matter how much of her you remember.

And I am always with you no matter how far away I am.

I love you my daughter, and I eagerly await the day we are reunited.

All my love,

Your father.

P.S - Tell your Weasley twin that I am anxious to meet him too, especially after what his letter to me read.

"What did you do?" she asked accusingly as she folded up the letter.

Fred had an offended look on his face.

"I am appalled that you would even think that of me after how I've just taken care of you."

"Cut the crap Freddy," she said. "What did you say to my father?"

His grin was wicked.

"I think that's between me and your father."

"Merlin, Freddy, don't do this to me," she sighed as she collapsed back onto her pillow, Fred still smiling as he propped his head upon his hand as he lay on his side to face Leona.

"It was all good things, I promise you. And you'll find out soon anyway."

"Exactly! So why don't you just tell me now? Wait! Do you know what the surprise my father has for me is?"

Oh, how she wanted to wipe the smug grin off his gorgeous face.

"I might have an inkling."

"He said 'it has something to do with the place I was born.' No one has been back there since my dad gave me up. No one has been alive to go back there."

"Where were you born anyway?" Fred asked with his brows furrowed.

"In London, in Islington. It was my dad's family's house. My family's house."

"I imagine the Black family has a very dark sense of décor?"

Leona gave him a look.

"You're hilarious."

"I try," Fred shrugged before he laid his head on her shoulder.

Leona was playing with his hair as silence washed over them.

"Thanks for taking care of me Fred," she said eventually, and she felt him smile into her skin.

"You're welcome," he said simply as he pressed a kiss to her collar bone.

And in each other's arms, they fell asleep.

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