Chapter 70

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"Miss Black," called a familiar voice and Leona and the twins turned to face Professor Snape.

"Yes Professor?" she said as she moved towards him, the twins waiting for her before they went back to the common room.

"You left your homework in my classroom," he said emotionlessly as he handed her a small green book that looked quite worn.

"I'm sorry Professor, I was under the impression that all my homework was up to date?"

"If you would look at the marked page you will see that it is not," Snape snapped and Leona opened it to a page about a potion that prevented the effects of Veritaserum, which was a truth-telling potion. "See to it that this is completed before tomorrow and that your peers complete it as well. I suspect the new High Inquisitor would love the opportunity to punish you for unfinished homework."

Leona's eyes widened as she seemed to comprehend the meaning of his words.

"I'll see to it that it is done by midnight sir," she said as she looked from the book to her professor.

"You do that. My stores are open for you as always," he replied before his eyes lifted to the boys behind her. "Weasley's," he said, but not maliciously, it was more so of a reminder and a question. A reminder of their mission and a question of if everything was relatively ok.

"Sir," they nodded, and the dark-cloaked Professor turned on his heel and left, Leona's eyes pouring over the marked page in the book.

"What was he on about?" George asked as they moved to Leona's side.

"If what I think he said is right, then we might be in very big trouble."

And without another word, the girl ran for the room of requirement, which she already knew would have everything she needed, the boys hot on her heels.

Oh, they were in so much trouble.

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