Chapter 36

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It was the next morning and Harry had just finished explaining to Leona all that happened last night.

How Peter Pettigrew, the one who killed her mother, who sold out Harry's parents and framed her father, had been living under her nose all along.


Ron's stupid rat that Leona never liked had been Peter Pettigrew all along.

They were going to take him to the castle to hand over to the dementors when Lupin had transformed into a werewolf, allowing Pettigrew time to escape, which was why her father was still a fugitive.

Harry also told her about how he and Hermione travelled back in time to save Buckbeak from execution and Sirius from receiving the Dementor's Kiss.

And she'd hugged him.

She'd hugged the smaller boy and thanked him and forgave him instantly.

He'd saved her father.

He'd help set him free.

A mission Leona had been working on for almost five years.

And she'd never been happier when she burst into the twin's dorm that night, dragging Ginny behind her as she explained how she'd reunited with her father.

And the four of them were sitting together at breakfast the next morning, Leona having already said goodbye to her uncle who'd resigned from his post as DADA teacher, when an owl landed in front of her with a letter held in its beak.

"Thank you," Leona said before feeding it a piece of toast that it nipped at gratefully.

My darling Rose,

I am pleased to say that this is the first of many letters that I'll be sending to you. Buckbeak and I are currently safely hidden away, though I cannot tell you where.

I know I have a few years to make up for, but I'd hoped that this would be a good start. I couldn't help but notice that you didn't have an owl. So please accept the one that delivered this letter. I took the liberty of naming him Moony, after your uncle. Do its eyes not look like the full moon he transforms under?

Leona giggled as she looked from the letter to the owl.

"Hi Moony," she smiled as she stroked the bird, the creature leaning into her touch, eyes indeed white like orbs, as she looked back down at the letter.

He also knows where I am. Ask him to take a letter to me and he'll find me. Harry's present should be arriving soon, and though I have not written him a letter and he'll know who it's from, still tell him for me would you?

I love you so much, my daughter. And I look forward to your reply, which is non-negotiable.

I know you'll reply, but I haven't played the dad card in a while, even though you are a Black and unlikely to listen to me with how stubborn you are.

Oh, but please, send me pictures if you can. I'd like to be able to see you.

And I will see you, one day soon.

Enjoy your life my Rose.

All my love,

Your father.

"Who's the letter from?" Fred asked as he kept feeding Moony more toast, the bird instantly taking a liking to him.

"My father," Leona answered with a smile.

"What?!" they all asked as Leona handed the letter to Fred, George and Ginny reading over his shoulder as Leona stroked her owl, a truly happy smile on her face.

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